The popular animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars came to end last year. However, some very talented and dedicated fans have recreated the final touching scene of the series using the advanced Unreal Engine.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars was initially canceled after six seasons back in 2013, with several incomplete episodes being abandoned. Thankfully, the series was renewed for a seventh and final season, allowing creator Dave Filoni and his team to finish the story they started back in 2008. The final season began with some mixed reviews, but the final four-episode arc is widely considered the best the show has ever been.
In the Clone Wars series finale titled Victory and Death, ex-Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano finds herself fighting off an onslaught of clone troopers who she once called her friends. After the dreaded order 66 is declared by Chancellor Palatine/Darth Sidious, the soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic turn on their Jedi leaders and execute them across the galaxy. Despite their previous loyalty to the Jedi Knights, the clones were hardwired with an inhibitor chip that forced them to obey orders from the Chancellor. After Ahsoka manages to remove the chip from her clone friend and ally Captain Rex, the two attempt to escape the ship, trying to minimize the casualties along the way.
However, bifurcated rogue Sith Lord Darth Maul, who was being held prisoner on the ship, destroys the engine and sends their Venator-class star destroyer hurtling towards a planet. Ahsoka and Rex just barely survive the crash, and they are last seen looking over the graves of their fallen comrades. We’re then treated to a brief epilogue, where the newly anointed Darth Vader arrives and sombrely looks over the crash site, picking up his old apprentice’s lightsaber and walking off into the distance before the credits roll.
It’s an incredibly moving sequence in Clone Wars history, and a testament to the work of Filoni and the other animators as the scene has virtually no dialogue. Now, Clone Wars fans from the Youtube channel “WoofWoofWolffe” have recreated the scene using The Unreal Engine to create an impressive high-quality rendition. If you’re unfamiliar, The Unreal Engine is an advanced game engine originally developed by Epic Games back in 1998.
It was initially used for first-person shooter video games, but it has gone through several stages and is now used for a variety of video games, as well as simulations and filmmaking. For instance, the Star Wars series titled The Mandalorian uses the Unreal Engine to create 3D environments which are displayed on giant LED screens, referred to as ‘The Volume.’ The 5th generation of Unreal Engine is scheduled to be released in late 2021.
You can watch all seven seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars streaming on Disney Plus now.
Source: WoofWoofWolffe | YouTube

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