God of War‘s Ragnarok sequel promises to throw Kratos and Atreus in the deep end with the destruction of the Nine Realms of Norse mythology and the death of the Norse gods. There’s one Aesir, however, whose notable absence in the PS4 game has fans hoping for his appearance in the sequel.
Tyr is the Norse god of war, and one of the few Aesir Kratos is shown to respect in 2018’s God of War. There are several hints that Tyr could be just as important to the plot of the next game as Kratos himself, and reasons that Tyr could have a particularly interesting relationship with Atreus if he makes his debut during the “twilight of the gods.”

Despite being the Norse god of war, Tyr is described as a natural diplomat in the backstory to the 2018 game. He is absent from the plot, however, having been imprisoned or killed by Odin after helping Faye hide the gate to Jotunheim.
Tyr helped Faye due to his guilt over bringing Odin to Jotunheim. The Jotnar trusted Tyr, and allowed him to bring Odin to their realm to broker a peace between the giants and the Aesir. When Odin attempted to steal the Jotnar’s knowledge of the future they banished him. In retaliation, Odin had Thor kill as many Jotnar as he could find in Midgard.
It is unclear whether or not Tyr had already lost his hand to the wolf Fenrir by the time of the 2018 game, which is one of his defining features in Norse mythology. In the mural of Tyr that Kratos and Atreus find his right hand is obscured by a shield, while in some other depictions he’s shown as having both hands. In the Jotunheim mural, however, the figure who is lying before Atreus appears to be missing a hand. It’s possible that this figure is Tyr, or that another character like Kratos will end up fulfilling this part of the myth. It’s also possible that this is a red-herring – the missing hand could be the result of damage to the mural.
While he hasn’t been seen yet, Tyr is portrayed as a very different god of war to the one Kratos was in Ancient Greece. Kratos was fueled by revenge and bloodlust, while Tyr seemed to genuinely strive for peace. Both, however, are portrayed as deeply ashamed of their pasts. Kratos feels shame for the violence he has committed, while Tyr feels shame for his failure as a diplomat and the war between the Aesir and Jotnar that followed.

Tyr could be a fascinating role model for Atreus if he makes his debut in God of War‘s Ragnarok sequel. To start, Tyr’s knowledge of Faye’s life before she met Kratos will likely draw Atreus to him, especially as Atreus explores his true identity as Loki, the Norse god of mischief. It’s even possible that Kratos may experience some insecurity, seeing Tyr – at least in his motivations – as the cool-headed and compassionate man he has often failed to be.
While Kratos kept Atreus’ identity as a god from him for much of his life, the depiction of Tyr as a genuine and usually honest man may draw Atreus to him. Tyr’s fate after Odin discovered his collaboration with the giants, however, remains unknown. While it’s possible that he is dead, this would seem like a missed opportunity.
It is also possible, however, that after undergoing whatever imprisonment, banishment, or torture Odin subjected him to Tyr may have become a very different man to the one who once tried to help the Jotnar and the Aesir find common ground. Considering the dark tone of the series, it could even be the case that if Atreus does fall under Tyr’s influence the Norse god of war will prove more treacherous than his depiction so far would suggest.
God of War’s Ragnarok sequel is currently scheduled for release on PlayStation 5 in 2021.

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