It would be no exaggeration to say that Among Us has been one of the most widely popular games in recent memory. Internet forums have been flooded with memes, popular content creators continue to play the game regularly, and players closely consult guides to optimize the way they play Among Us. Given that the game’s rise to dominance has coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have likely used Among Us as a way to stay in touch with friends and loved ones.
While millions of gamers enjoy playing Among Us, few would want to integrate the game into their love lives. This isn’t true for everyone, however, as a Reddit user plans to propose using an Among Us-themed engagement ring box.
Reddit user Memo-701 claims to have created the Among Us box to aid in an upcoming proposal. The box takes the form of the green Crewmate; opening the box reveals the bone shown when a Crewmate is killed. Of course, in this case, there is an engagement ring wrapped around the bone, changing the torso from a grim sign of defeat into something else entirely. As an added flourish, the box also includes a fried-egg hat, one of many hats available in Among Us.
Many commenters were quick to express their skepticism regarding the effectiveness of the ring box for a proposal. Many value engagement is an important moment to be remembered forever, and tying the engagement to memes that will fade over time may seem inadvisable. While weddings are no strangers to video game references, those video games tend to be long-running franchises. For example, Square Enix sells wedding rings inspired by the Dragon Quest franchise, but that franchise is over thirty years old.
Still, people have likely deepened relationships playing Among Us. If the game’s iconography is important to a couple, it deserves a place in their engagement. Some players have attempted to use Among Us as a makeshift dating service, although that practice is problematic for various reasons. Still, if anyone actually got together that way, the game would obviously be important to them.
Regardless of its use, the Among Us ring box is commendable for realizing the game’s Crewmate design nicely in 3D. While others have succeeded in similar modeling efforts using snow and other materials, the homemade look of the engagement box has its own charm. Whether or not the proposal goes successfully, at least Memo-701 will have an eye-pleasing Among Us figure to keep.
Among Us is currently available for Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, and PC. An Xbox Series X/S release is planned for 2021.

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