Apex Legends is one of the most popular games in the free-to-play battle royale genre. However, recently there has been a decline in its player base. Now, Apex Legends professional players explain what and why the game is suffering.
Apex Legends is built around the use of several player characters known as “Legends.” Each of these Apex Legends characters have his or her own play style and abilities. In Season 7, the game integrated a new character called Horizon. Horizon is a Scottish researcher who uses novel abilities to outmaneuver opponents and gain an advantage. She can be bought using Apex coins and is one of 16 legends.
Many pro players have recently voiced their dislike of Horizon, saying she is too overpowered. The general opinion seems to be that Horizon has far too much mobility. In a Twitch stream popular player, Albralelie shares his opinions on her. In the video Albralelie describes the character as “Spinning in the sky like a ballerina dripping spit fire” and ends his speech by sarcastically insisting that her mobility is fair. Albralelie has not been the only competitive player to share this opinion. Both Faide and Daltoosh seem to share Albralelie’s opinion. Faide Tweeted that Horizon “ruins Apex” which Daltoosh replied to with his agreement.
Albralelie is a player for TSM, a large esports group. Currently Albralelie is the number 76 Apex Legends player across all platforms and countries. This is no small feat in a player base reportedly above 75 million. Daltoosh, who voiced his agreement with smaller player Faide, is the number 29 player. There is hope for changes to be made, since much of Apex Legends routine maintenance includes the balancing of character abilities and stats. If enough players find issue with Horizon, she will likely be nerfed. Sometimes online games also release new characters overpowered to encourage more players to try them and then gradually reduce their abilities. Respawn Entertainment has suggested it will be nerfing Horizon.
It appears the sentiment that horizon is overpowered is generally shared among players. If top players are claiming that a character is too difficult to defeat, then most of the player base is likely experiencing the same issues. Twitter replies, however, are somewhat contentious.
Some players are suggesting that Horizon is perfectly fine, and the pro players are merely embarrassed about losing to her. Others are saying their experience is different to the pros’. However, in all likelihood Horizon will be nerfed soon.
Apex Legends is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.
Source: Albralelie / Twitch

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