In the pantheon of Dragon Age companions, Oghren is one of the most rugged. He’ll have the player’s back through thick and thin, but don’t expect him to behave with much tact. He very rarely thinks before he says something, which can lead to some outrageous quotes. That being said, he’s still a worthy ally to have in one’s party. Conversations with him are rarely boring, and he’s fiercely loyal when the situation calls for it. Why not reward that loyalty on occasion?
Drunken Dwarf that he is, it makes sense that most of Oghren’s gifts would be booze. If you find an alcoholic beverage in this fantasy setting, chances are that Oghren would drink it down without a second thought. What he truly appreciates, though, are those special vintages that collectors dream of.
8 Ale

This first alcoholic gift for Oghren is also the simplest. It turns out the Dwarf appreciates a good old-fashioned mug of ale. It doesn’t have any stipulations or special supplements, and players can buy it from bartenders all over the world.
He likely downs one of these on a daily basis, so it theoretically wouldn’t have much significance to him. However, most players probably wouldn’t complain about having such an easy in with this character. It only gets more complicated, as his tastes are very particular.
7 Sun Blonde Vintage 1

It turns out the holier-than-thou mages and/or templars were holding out on the rest of the world. Found in the Templar Quarters of the Circle Tower, this alcohol was brewed in secret. If anything, it would make more sense for Wynne to want this spirit.
Instead, Oghren desires it. Perhaps he thinks the secrecy spices it up. The templars either stole it from the resident mages, or it was theirs from the beginning. Whatever the case, it’s a clandestine vintage, and that’s sure to spark some curiosity (even more than the Dread Wolf mystery).
6 Garbolg’s Backcountry Reserve

This vintage was brewed by a fellow Dwarf. Because of that, one would think it’d be in Orzammar. Alas, no. That’s too specific and straightforward. Rather, players must get their dog to sniff it out somewhere in Ferelden.
It’s a bit too nonsensical since it’s supposed to be a limited brew. Barbolg’s beard caught fire and cut his career short. That’s probably why Varric doesn’t have the stereotypical Dwarf beard. A supposedly rare reserve like this wouldn’t just be lying around on the ground; it makes no sense. What does make sense, though, is Oghren prizing this brew above others. After all, it might be worth something someday.
5 Golden Scythe 4:90 Black

This is not the type of thing that one should find in a crate. Upon exploring the village of Lothering, players uncover a brew that lives up to its name. The Golden Scythe somehow remains cold in the sunlight, which is already unnatural. However, it’s also recommended to serve it by the drop, preferably avoiding any direct contact with one’s flesh.
Is it liquid nitrogen? How is this safe for public consumption? Aside from their cultural strengths, Oghren and the other Dwarves must have stronger digestive systems than other races. Otherwise, this drink would likely freeze their insides. Then again, maybe they consider that a way to challenge their bodies. At least that’d explain why your companion covets it.
4 Alley King’s Flagon

A cup fit for a king, the flagon in question is available for purchase at Legnar’s place in the Orzammar Commons. Oghren’s probably had his eye on it for years and never met anyone gullible enough to buy it for him.
Apparently, the lack of a lid is meant to encourage rampant refills. That still doesn’t explain why it had to be crafted from solid gold. Maybe it’s a drink for the vain. When you’re the king of an alley, though, you shouldn’t have that kind of confidence.
3 Legacy White Shear

Whiskey is already one of the stronger drinks out there, and this batch seems to take that two steps further. Oghren values it for its rarity and mystery. Any brew found in the Lower Brecilian Ruins is worth investigating.
However, it has no taste aside from the lyrium in the bilge hoop. Yes, an explosive mineral is used to flavor this booze. Considering Dwarves are the only race capable of mining lyrium, Oghren and his kinsman must have a natural resistance to the stuff. This makes it a darkly ideal gift since it’s personally tailored to these people. That doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous to their innards if they guzzle it. Maybe that’s what happened to the guy it was buried with.
2 Chasind Sack Mead

Since this sack mead came from an ancient tribal people, it’s fitting that it would lie somewhere old. What makes less sense is finding it in the Ruined Temple of Andraste. Maybe the cultists confiscated it. Instead of pondering the answers to their religious questions, they likely preferred to dull their minds. Fewer headaches that way.
Both they and Oghren obviously like their drinks strong, and this honey liquor is no exception. The taste is bitter, likened to a father off to war. That’s an oddly specific comparison. Is this supposed to be a pick-me-up, or is it meant to make you drown your sorrows more? Either way, Oghren appreciates it.
1 Wilhelm’s Special Brew

You can tell that it’s special because it only comes in a DLC pack. During The Stone Prisoner, players visit the village of Honnleath. Once they find the cellar of Wilhelm Sulzbacher, a mage with way too much time on his hands, they can pick up a mug of Maker-Knows-What.
The fact that this dark-colored liquid glows when swirled probably isn’t a good sign. Oghren, though, will throw caution to the wind and drink it up. Maybe this explains why he’s not in the other games. He survived the darkspawn invasion, but he just couldn’t hold his liquor (or whatever this brew is supposed to be).

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