Developer FNTASTIC’s new game, The Day Before, has already drawn a lot of comparisons to The Last of Us 2. Given that both games are set in post-apocalyptic versions of the world and both are inhabited by zombies, the comparisons that have been made were inevitable. It does not help that The Day Before’s poster has a fairly strong resemblance to some of the art that was used for The Last of Us 2, specifically the one featuring Ellie’s face and the game’s title. While they both are games where the central premise is being able to survive in a zombie infested world against all odds, it does not mean that these two games will be the same though.
So far, it has not been bad that comparisons have been made between The Day Before and The Last of Us 2, especially with the success seen by The Last of Us. Still, it is important for fans of TLOU games to understand that they will not play the same. The Day Before looks to define itself through a rich and open world like Day Z, bringing in more of the aspects that have been seen in other zombie survival games. The blurb that has been used to describe the game is the first step in setting it apart in that way.

The Day Before is focused around a premise that the players’ character has woken up in a post pandemic America that has been infested with the flesh hungry infected. The player’s character is described as alone in the world with no memory and will also need to collect resources to be able to survive. Immediately, this begins to set TDB apart from The Last of Us 2. Where TLOU2’s narrative is set around the existing events of the world, it looks as though TBD will give player’s minimal information at the start. This may mean that instead of a narrative that has been established, like TLOU2’s was in a previous game, The Day Before will put players into a situation that starts in complete isolation.
This isolation does not have to mean that players will play completely alone especially in the long run. FNTASTIC has said there is an understanding that different players will have different approaches to how to survive in environments like the ones in The Day Before. Some players may feel that peace and unity are the way to go, and this philosophy may result in the construction of large bases and inter-player communities. Others might choose to take the opposite approach and operate in ways that force players to fight in a world where survival is a battle, and the use of TBD‘s brutal combat tactics can make a difference. With TBD’s open world and base building mechanics, these competing styles will have a chance to thrive in unison.

The aforementioned base building is one of many aspects that sets The Day Before on the opposite end of the spectrum from The Last of Us 2. Rather than a game with a focused and linear narrative, TDB will give players the ability to explore the world with off-road vehicles and build settlements where possible, which can make bases an important home mechanic. The Day Before‘s gameplay may allow players to start communities whether they choose to be fighters and raid, or play as MMO Sherpas that want to show newbies the way. It is an aspect of the game that could turn out great and help TDB build a strong community of fans and players early on. With the scope of exploration that looks to be possible, the ability to have a primary location to operate out of in the game seems important as well.
As it stands, The Day Before’s advertised world is expansive, and players are able to loot what ever structures that they find. This will make the ability to have coordinated plans with other players a valuable strategy when it comes to survival, especially if permadeath makes its way into The Day Before. With the bases as a home point to operate from, it seems reasonable that larger factions could form against one another. This type of community building as an independent action from the base game is far removed from what The Last of Us 2 has done.

The Day Before also looks like it will use a solid mix of PVE and PVP game play. These aspects could draw the game some comparisons to the likes of The Division or Day Zm where having both is not something that The Last of Us 2 has exactly introduced yet. The survival and MMO aspects of TDB make having a mixed PVP and PVE environment a fantastic choice. The flesh eating infected shouldn’t be scarce just because other players are around and should help maintain a looming sense of danger. At the same time, attacking a rival group while infected are present could make for an effective strategy in a game that can move fast. Then, meanwhile, the gun play that has been shown looks like it will also make avoiding these interactions a great strategy for survival.
Players that are looking for strong team fights against others should consider that the combat gameplay shown for The Day Before so far is fast and cautious at the same time. While looting will be a mechanic and vehicles are available for players through out The Day Before, damage for PVP looks like it will hit hard and cause fights to end fast. This could force aggressive players to be cautious when interacting with others and provide a leg up for those who are able to be patient. The use of cover mechanics and strategizing with teammates could change the way a battle is going and the inability to do so may lead to some decisive losses. Having players with minimal health will also force all parties to think through their plan of action, whenever new groups of survivors are encountered, regardless of hostility.

It is important that differences like these are highlighted as The Day Before moves closer to its release. Players that are looking to get hands on with simply another version of The Last of Us 2 or experience a multiplayer version of the game may find their hopes dashed. Zombies are a staple in video games, even since the days of local arcades. There’s no problem with wanting to play a game just because it features them, but it is important to note that these games do have differences from one another.
The Day Before looks like it will tout a detailed world similar to The Last of Us 2, but its gameplay will ultimately stress the sprawling expanse it will be set in. Players that have wanted to experience a zombie world in rich detail with intense PVP and PVE mechanics should probably view TDB closer to The Division series after the most recent gameplay trailers. This isn’t to say there won’t be similarities, rather that it is important to recognize the differences and the strengths that The Day Before can bring to the genre.
The Day Before is currently in development for PC and is planned for release in Q2 2021.

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