Now more than thirty years old, the Nintendo Game Boy is arguably one of the most important hand-held consoles ever to be released. It’s become one of those devices which is not only considered a piece of gaming history, but for which rare games and accessories are still being unearthed more than three decades later. And recently, a fan has found a safe way to introduce the console to their infant child.
Posting on Reddit yesterday, a user by the name of u/mutanthands has uploaded a picture of a happy looking Game Boy which they say they’ve built themselves for their two-year-old. The picture shows a near-perfect replica of the original Game Boy or Game Boy Color, with a salmon pink cover and a hand-drawn smiling face in the center of the screen.
With people asking in the thread, u/mutanthands has said what makes this replica safe for children is it’s been made without any glass, has a glued down battery compartment so they can’t be removed, and has no removable metal pieces of any kind. This is also not the first time Reddit users have built their own Nintendo products. Last April, user u/Sarbaaz37 created their own Switch amidst the shortages brought on by the pandemic.

Released in 1989, the Game Boy is considered a classic among older gamers and collectors, with the console selling more than 118 million units worldwide. Despite its age, it’s still fondly remembered with many of the games still holding up to this day. It may not have been perfect, with future iterations improving on features and the design, but it dominated the market and, along with the NES, made Nintendo a powerhouse in the video game industry.
Source: Reddit

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