Monster Hunter Rise is the type of game players can pour many hours into and will still never see or experience everything. This franchise is known for its incredible gameplay mechanics, and this latest title is no different. The player can play solo, go online and play with friends or strangers, and battle it out with some of the most awesome monsters and boss fights available in the RPG genre today.
Similar to many games of this caliber, there are a handful of things in Monster Hunter Rise the players can do that the game won’t outright reveal. These are many things the game wants the players to discover for themselves.
10 Play High Ranked Quests They Haven’t Discovered Yet

One of the most incredible things about the Monster Hunter franchise is its interactivity. These games are built with online multiplayer RPG elements in mind and Monster Hunter Rise is no different.
One of the benefits of this is that it will allow players to access things they haven’t discovered in their playthrough yet, like high-ranked quests. In Monster Hunter Rise, the player can access these kinds of quests once they reach HR4 in the Hub Quest menu.
9 Stack Up Armor Effects

Completing an armor set is a simple and effective way of being more durable in a game such as this, but going the other route has its benefits as well. In fact, the players can mix and match between armor pieces based on armor effects.
They can choose armor pieces that have the same armor effects in order to stack up the rating. They can do this up to three times, thus making the armor effect much higher.
8 Ride A Monster To Damage Another Monster

In Monster Hunter Rise, there is an abundance of monsters the players can fight. Of course, one of the most common and understandable desires among many is the thought of using these monsters as mounts. While that’s not exactly the case in Monster Hunter Rise, the players can indeed ride these monsters for a while, to great effect.
Non-target monsters can be mounted by using wirebug attacks. Once done, the player can then use this monster to hit another. This will dish out a fair amount of damage and make gameplay more fun than it already is.
7 Train When Acquiring New Weapons

In Monster Hunter Rise, being skillful is an absolute necessity if the player wants to master this arduous game. One of the ways to do that is weapon familiarity. Whenever the player acquires a new weapon, instead of heading into the world right away, there’s a place in this game they can use to train and be familiar with their new gear first.
They can use the training area in Kamura Village. The village itself is a place the players will find very beneficial and this training area is just one of the many they should utilize often.
6 Pit Two Monsters Against Each Other

The Turf War is a mechanic in this game that was introduced in Monster Hunter World. Essentially, what it means this sees two monsters battle against one another, and the player can simply sit back and enjoy the show. This mechanic, thankfully, makes a return in Monster Hunters Rise.
This isn’t only an awesome thing that can happen in the game, this is definitely something the players should take advantage of whenever they can. It may be obvious at this point but the monsters in this game aren’t easy. So, having two powerful monsters duke it out is a win-win for the player.
5 Use Wirebugs To Refill Stamina

In Monster Hunter Rise, it is highly beneficial for the player to be constantly on the move, whether they’re simply exploring or fighting a herculean monster. The stamina bar can deplete very quickly. To mend this or have something to do while the stamina bar is refilling, they can make use of the game’s wirebug mechanic.
In traversal, using the wirebug while the stamina refills and moving constantly while the wirebug’s cooldown is still processing is a very efficient way of keeping up speed.
4 Receive Free Items In Buddy Plaza

The players will need all the help they can get while playing Monster Hunter Rise. In Buddy Plaza, there’s a very specific place that grants players free rare items each time they visit the place after a hunt.
There is a tree behind the shrine the players can climb using the vines. There is a Cahoot Nest in this area. Inside this nest, they will find a ton of useful items they can use on their hunt. The place refills items as well.
3 Fish!

Both newcomers and veterans of the franchise will find this one especially useful. For newcomers, they will be delighted that fishing is a side activity that everyone can do in Monster Hunter Rise. In fact, it’s a well-founded mechanic in this franchise.
On the other hand, veterans will be pleased to know that they don’t have to leave, only to return later on, to an area for fishes to respawn. They can simply stay and fish to their heart’s extent.
2 Eat, But Not For Pleasure

Well, okay. Eating is always a pleasure. However, in Monster Hunter Rise, it is expected of you to always eat a meal before going on hunts. Doing so will make sure you have full health and stamina in order to battle the various monsters in the game more efficiently.
The meals in this game come in the form of dangos. Each dango come with their own buffs which are explained quite clearly in the description, so the player should watch out for those as well.
1 Pet The Dog And Cat

The most important and the most awesome thing you can do in this game, or any game for that matter, is the chance to pet animals. In Monster Hunter World, the players are given animal companions called a Palamute and a Palico. An easier way of describing them would be hunter dogs and hunter cats, respectively.
Both will stick to their hunter. The player can mount a Palamute to make traveling faster. They can also attack enemies. The Palico, on the other hand, functions as a support type. Once the battle is done, the player should make sure to pet their companions for a job well done.

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