Monster Hunter Rise is the sixth and the latest installment of the revered Monster Hunter series. Fans of the franchise who own a Nintendo Switch will absolutely find this title delightful. Not only does this game offer the incredible RPG elements and interactivity this franchise is known for, but now they have the chance to play the game on the go.
Like all Monster Hunter games, though, moving around this game’s world is not a simple walk in the park. The profusion of monsters in this game will drive the unknowing crazy. Knowing a couple of helpful tips will make their experience in this game so much more fun.
10 A Weapon For Each Play Style

This may go without saying, but those who are newcomers to the franchise stick to the play styles they’re used to in other RPG titles if they want to dive into this title. If they’re used to fast weapons, they should stick with fast weapons in this game. At least, at the beginning.
For example, if you’re a dexterity or agility type of player, then wield the Dual Blades. This weapon is very fast, which should be right up your alley. On the other hand, if you’re used to heavy weapons, then choose the Great Sword.
9 Meals Are Important

Hunting monsters is not a very easy job. In order for a monster hunter to do this job well, they need to make sure they’re at least full when working. In Monster Hunter Rise, eating is not just a leisure activity. It will give the player the boost they need to combat the monsters in the game.
It is a very great tip to consume the Japanese dumpling snack dango before the player goes off to hunt. Doing this will give them bonus health and stamina.
8 Play The Single Player First

While a Monster Hunter game is absolutely known for its multiplayer gameplay, that doesn’t mean a player can’t enjoy it solo. In fact, if they want to get better at this game, they should start out playing the single-player part first.
In Monster Hunter Rise, the single-player and multiplayer campaigns are separated. Before they dive into the multiplayer world, they should start out with the single-player quests via the village quests. Not only will this make them familiar with the game’s mechanics and allow them to enjoy the story, but it will also allow them to build their skills.
7 Play With A Friend First For Multiplayer

Playing multiplayer games is always an amazing experience. The players can either play with their friends or meet strangers online who share their love for a certain game. The Monster Hunter franchise is well-known and beloved for this fact.
Once the players get through the single-player campaign of this game, they should plan things accordingly with friends who are also playing the game. Playing this game with friends will make the experience of playing this game so much better. On top of that, it will also help them defeat the myriad of strenuous monsters around the game’s world.
6 Monsters Scale According To The Number Of Players Present

This is a fact veterans of the franchise and of other similar games are already familiar with, but this is something newcomers should always keep in mind. While it is more fun and accessible to combat monsters in this game with many players, they should also note that a boss will become more powerful the more players are fighting against it.
With this in mind, don’t be surprised that a monster is suddenly more resilient to attacks when there are more players in the arena. Instead, they should use this opportunity to utilize teamwork and analyze the monster closely.
5 Read The Armor Skills

“The best defense is a good offense” is a very popular adage. As cliche as it is at this point, this is a vital tip a player should keep in mind if they want to master Monster Hunter Rise. In this game, there are things called Armor Skills. These are the buffs and abilities that come with each armor piece and the player should always take the time to read these.
These are always helpful, especially when dealing with enemies that have a specific damage type. Some armor pieces offer resistance against a specific damage type and the player can always mix and match in preparation.
4 Armor Effects Can Stack Up

Although wearing a complete armor set can grant bonuses, a player doesn’t necessarily have to go this route. In Monster Hunter Rise, this has its benefits as well. By mixing and matching, the player can stack up certain effects by finding pieces that have the same armor skills.
In this game, an effect can stack up to three times. Meaning, if they wear three different armor pieces that offer a +10% attack each, the player will land a total of +30% attack by stacking.
3 The Wirebug

This is a tip that’s useful for both veterans and newcomers, for the fact that this is a completely new mechanic in this franchise. The wirebug diversifies a player’s traversal system. It will allow them to reach greater heights and move around quicker.
More than anything, the player should take the time to master this gameplay mechanic. Not only does this make exploration more immersive and quick, but it will also help greatly in combat.
2 Never Disregard The Optional Quests

This is basically an unspoken commandment when it comes to RPG and open-world games at this point, but a player should never disregard the optional quests. In a game like Monster Hunter Rise, this tip is even more essential.
The optional quests in this game will grant the player incredible rewards such as armor spheres. Other than this fact, it will also allow them to hone their skills and really explore everything this game has to offer to its players.
1 A Blacksmith Is A Hunter’s Best Friend

The player will constantly need to watch out for their gear in this game. Oftentimes, they will become unaware that the gears they have are becoming too obsolete in respect to where they are in the game. The game won’t communicate this to the player outright. They will simply know because enemies will become close to impossible to manage.
For this, they should constantly check back with the blacksmith. In fact, it is good practice to always return to the blacksmith after every hunt.

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