Noelle is one of the earliest characters Genshin Impact players meet. She’s a guaranteed pull from the Beginner’s Wish banner. The gentle maid is the definition of a tank, which makes her useful among more fragile characters like Amber and Lisa.
Noelle is easy to get a handle on. Running into a group of enemies and mashing Attack will probably get things done, but there’s a decent amount of depth to her kit. Monstadt’s Chivalric Blossom can actually fill multiple roles on a team. If the player builds her correctly, she’ll be a force to be reckoned with.

The obvious role for Noelle to fill is that of support. Her kit is built around Breastplate. Not only does this Skill put up a shield that can be transferred, but Noelle restores health to the party on hit. Her first Constellation makes it even better. I Got Your Back increases Breastplate’s healing proc rate when her Burst and Skill are up at the same time. Remember that Noelle’s attacks only heal while Breastplate is active. Be careful not to break the shield too quickly.
Maiden Beloved is the best artifact set for this build. It provides a huge boost to Noelle’s healing output, making her comparable to pure healers like Barbara. Find the set in the Valley of Remembrance domain.

Don’t underestimate Noelle’s ability to deal damage. Charged Claymore attacks are incredibly powerful and come out faster than normals. Breastplate also deals Geo damage when activated next to an enemy. Noelle’s potential as a DPS is realized when she unlocks her final Constellation. Must Be Spotless increases her Attack by 50% of her Defense during her Elemental Burst. If the player has been building mostly for Defense, the damage she can deal with Sweeping Time is insane.
The best artifact set for this build is easily Retracing Bolide. Equipping this makes a shielded Noelle much more dangerous – her normal attacks become 40% stronger when Breastplate is active. It’s a reward from the Domain of Guyun. Both Support and DPS Noelles should build around Defense, not Attack.

The best weapon for Noelle – and probably the best Claymore in general – is the Skyward Pride. This rare piece of equipment boosts Physical damage all around. It also creates vacuum blades on hit for even more hurt. Both of the aforementioned builds can use the Skyward Pride, but it’s best for DPS. The Whiteblind is another option, more suitable for Support as it boosts Defense.
Sadly, the Skyward Pride is exclusive to a limited Wish banner. There have been no reruns as of this writing. The White Iron Greatsword is a very good and very common substitute. Since Noelle’s abilities scale off of defense, not attack, she should avoid equipment that boosts the latter. The White Iron Greatsword boosts Defense, it has a useful passive that heals per kill, and it’s found in chests. It’s a bit on the rarer side, but players will have the most luck looking in Dragonspine.

Noelle slot well into just about any team composition. There aren’t any specific characters that work with her better than others. The one thing to keep in mind is Elemental Reactions. Geo characters can only cause Crystallize, which isn’t very good in terms of dealing damage. The party should already have their reacting elements set up before Noelle comes in.
Although a DPS Noelle is pretty self-sufficient, she’ll benefit from the right composition. Two Pyro characters offer an Attack bonus through Resonance, but Cryo and Electro characters will really help. The Superconduct reaction cuts enemies’ physical resistance so Noelle can really take out the trash.

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