Kingdoms Of Amalur is an RPG title that came out in 2012. A remaster aptly called Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning was released in September of 2020. Although the remaster didn’t offer many changes and the graphical overhaul was subpar, it still delighted most because it allowed them to replay a classic title.
Like all RPG titles, Kingdoms of Amalur offers a ton of customization in terms of armor sets. In this game, the players are given the chance to choose from a wide array of incredible armor sets. Although, some of them are arguably way better and more effective than others in dealing with the game’s main quests, side quests, and everything in between.
10 Belen’s Armor Set

Belen’s Armor Set is for Might class types. When two pieces of this set are equipped, the player will receive a 10% increase in fire damage, ice damage, and lightning damage. When three pieces are equipped, the stun duration will increase by 15%. When the set is completed, a 15% increase in piercing damage is added.
It will also increase the player’s block efficacy, piercing resistance, damage, chance to stun, lightning resistance, and bleeding damage.
9 Bolgan’s Bane Armor Set

The Bolgan’s Bane Armor Set is for Might class types. Equipping two pieces of this set will provide the player a 15% increase in critical hit damage. For three pieces, the player’s melee block efficacy, magic block efficacy, and ranged block efficacy will increase by 15%. Once completed, the player is given a +2 bonus on might abilities.
On top of those bonuses, this set will also increase the player’s mana, health, damage against jottun and ettin, physical damage, and critical hit chance.
8 Corthian Armor Set

The Corthian Armor Set is for might class types. Wearing two pieces of this armor set will grant the player a 20% increase in bleeding resistance. Wearing three pieces will grant them a 20% increase in piercing resistance. Finally, completing the Corthian Armor set will add 15% to the player’s elemental resistance.
This armor set will also increase the player’s mana, melee block efficacy, ice damage, fire resistance, and piercing damage.
7 Castaway’s Armor Set

The Castaway’s Armor Set is for might class types. For two pieces equipped, the player will be granted a 20% bonus on armor. For three pieces equipped, the bonus will be a 10% increase to elemental resistance. The player will receive a 15% increase to damage against beasts for completing the set.
The Castaway’s Armor Set also benefits the player’s melee block efficacy, physical damage, stun duration, and bleeding resistance.
6 Justice Armor Set

The Justice Armor Set is suited for finesse class types. While two pieces of the set are equipped, the player will be granted a 25% increase in damage resistance and a 15% increase in health stolen per hit. For three pieces, the player’s critical hit damage will increase by 15%. For completing the set, the player’s bleeding resistance will increase by 30%.
This armor set will also increase the player’s stealth, critical hit chance, chance to steal health, armor, and poison damage.
5 Lunala’s Armor Set

Lunala’s Armor Set is for finesse class types. The set’s two-piece bonus is a 15% increase in damage resistance and a 20% increase in critical hit damage. For equipping three pieces of the set, the player will receive a 15% increase in melee block efficacy, ranged block efficacy, and magic block efficacy. The player will receive a 15% increase to stun chance.
On top of those bonuses, this set will increase the player’s armor, elemental resistance, physical resistance, fire resistance, and critical hit chance.
4 Dark Empyrean Armor Set

The Darm Empyrean Armor Set is for sorcery types. Equipping two pieces will increase the player’s mana by 25%. Equipping three pieces will increase health by 15%. For completing the set, the player’s sorcery abilities will be upped by two.
This set will also increase the player’s mana regeneration per second, critical hit damage with magic, elemental damage, and elemental resistance.
3 Enke’s Armor Set

The Enke’s Armor Set is a good choice for sorcery class types. For two pieces equipped, the player is granted a 35% decrease in mana costs. For three pieces equipped, the player’s mana will be increased by 30%. Once the entire set is completely equipped, then the player’s fire, ice, and lightning damage will increase by 15%.
The set’s other effects include an increase in resistance against undead enemies and a decrease in equipment requirements.
2 Lachlan’s Armor Set

Lachlan’s Armor Set is for sorcery class types. Equipping two pieces of the armor will increase the player’s mana by 25%. For three pieces, the player’s fire, ice, and lightning damage will increase by 20%. For completing the entire set, the player will be given a +10% chance to burn enemies when attacked.
The Lachlan’s Armor Set will also increase the player’s mana regeneration per second, health regeneration per second, and fire resistance.
1 Unvanquished Armor Set

The Unvanquished Armor Set is the most unique armor set in the game because it benefits might, finesse, and sorcery, the three class types in the game.
The set consists of Khas-ti’s Helm, Tinniat’s Hauberk, Flint’s Hunting Gloves, Ergel’s Luxurious Legwear, and Dirge’s Dancing Shoes. The set’s bonuses are as follows: A 10% increase in damage, damage resistance, and status effect durations. It will also up might abilities, finesse abilities, and sorcery abilities by one.

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