XCOM: Chimera Squad launched last year in April exclusively for the PC. The turn-based tactical strategy game is a sequel to the extremely well-received XCOM 2: War of The Chosen, which launched on consoles, as well. XCOM: Chimera Squad currently resides on the PC alone, but that may soon change.
XCOM: Chimera Squad was announced and released in less than two weeks; a very interesting marketing strategy from developer Firaxis Games and publisher 2K Games. The XCOM series is very much beloved by many, however, there are those who would enjoy being able to play XCOM: Chimera Squad on consoles if it were to release beyond the PC.
According to a rating board listing on Pan European Game Information (PEGI), XCOM: Chimera Squad has been reviewed recently for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. This would be extremely exciting news for fans of the franchise who have been unable to play the game because it has been stuck on PC since April of 2020. The Nintendo Switch rating is interesting, as XCOM 2 came to Switch in 2020, three years after the release of the other versions of the game.
Along with the games being reviewed by PEGI, a release date was listed for March 26, 2021, which of course, already passed. The fact that an incorrect date is listed here does give a reason to pause with the validity of the information, but it is more likely that a placeholder date was entered than entirely wrong gaming consoles were added to the site. With that in mind, it would be wise to brush up on some XCOM: Chimera Squad tips before the game comes to consoles if that indeed does happen.

On a bit of a sour note, the PEGI listing does not mention next-generation consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. While it is likely that players would be able to play XCOM: Chimera Squad via backward compatibility with these consoles, it is a shame that the title does not yet seem to support true next-gen.
Another interesting thing to note about the XCOM: Chimera Squad review is that a mobile review is not on the list. XCOM 2 made its way to mobile as well, so one would assume that the series would continue to plant its flag on iOS and or Android. But as far as this PEGI information is concerned, that does not seem to be the case.
It is important to note that this information is not confirmed. As far as leaks or rumors are concerned, a rating board finding may be more concrete than other types of leaks, however, nothing is confirmed until it is official. So the idea of XCOM: Chimera Squad coming to consoles should not be considered factual until Firaxis Games or 2K Games releases a trailer, tweet, press release, etc.
XCOM: Chimera Squad is on PC and may be coming to Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.
Source: PEGI

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