For the past several months, it is clear that Microsoft has been pouring plenty of effort into Xbox Game Pass, with an impressive library of triple-A games, including day-one access to many upcoming titles. After the Microsoft-Bethesda acquisition, Microsoft revealed that several of Bethesda’s iconic games would be released on Xbox Game Pass. Of course, this is nothing but good news to subscribers of Xbox Game Pass, but on the flip side, it appears that Microsoft is potentially neglecting its other subscription service, Xbox Live Gold.
For several years now, Xbox Live Gold served as the premiere subscription service and was a must-have for players on Xbox consoles. Apart from providing access to online multiplayer games, Xbox Live Gold also offers subscribers a monthly roster of free games. Unfortunately, what excitement players once had for Xbox Live Games with Gold has been replaced by disappointment due to the lackluster selection of free games Microsoft offers. The question now is; are Xbox players better off with just Xbox Game Pass?

The answer to that question will differ between the individual preferences of players. However, looking at the overall value Xbox Live Gold offers, it is obvious that it is no longer the most attractive video game subscription service in the market today. Setting aside the monthly free games players get, the only benefit that could persuade players to keep their subscriptions is access to online multiplayer games.
However, it is worth noting that Microsoft has since announced that free-to-play online multiplayer games, such as Fortnite and Apex Legends, no longer require Xbox Live Gold. However, paid online multiplayer games such as Rainbow Six Siege would still require an Xbox Live subscription, so players should consider which online games they play the most to gauge whether they should retain their subscription first. As far as the roster of free games is concerned, Microsoft’s recent offerings proved that Games with Gold no longer excite players, further decreasing the value of an Xbox Live Gold subscription.
In February 2021, many were impressed with the list of free games Microsoft offered, given that it included an Xbox Series X optimized game and several triple-A titles that attracted more players. Unfortunately, March’s roster was announced, and the company reverted to its usual tendencies. It remains unclear why Microsoft stepped up in February, only to let players down again the next month. This could also be the company’s way to make up for the Xbox Live Gold subscription price fiasco that Microsoft had to take back after receiving backlash from fans.

Given this, many are now looking into switching over to Xbox Game Pass, especially with all the great games the service offers. For Xbox Live Gold subscribers who remain undecided, it is worth considering that if the free games are the only reason they are holding onto their subscriptions, they are better off with Xbox Game Pass, given that it offers better games than Xbox Live Gold. Not to mention, both Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Live Gold are priced at $9.99 per month.
The question now is, what about those players who want access to both the Xbox Game Pass library and paid online multiplayer games? This is where the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription comes into the picture. For a slightly more expensive monthly fee of $14.99, players will have access to both Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass. Of course, having the Xbox Game Pass library which includes hundreds of triple-A titles, would more than make up for whatever games Xbox Live Gold offers players.
In the end, it is clear that the Xbox Game Pass is the service geared towards the future. Although Microsoft still doesn’t have plans to phase out Xbox Live Gold, it is apparent that the company is putting in more effort in enticing players to dump Xbox Live Gold in favor of Xbox Game Pass.

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