10 DCEU Storylines That Can’t Continue Outside The Snyderverse

The DCEU has been in a state of flux ever since 30 minutes of footage were cut out of Batman V Superman’s theatrical release. The consequence was a domino effect that resulted in Zack Snyder’s vision gradually being drained out of the franchise. The final straw was Joss Whedon’s Justice League, which greatly reshot Snyder’s original vision and effectively cut the branches off the DCEU. 

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Zack Snyder’s Justice League marks an important precedent for filmmaking, but it also heralds a potential return to the Snyderverse for the DCEU. While dark, the Snyderverse at least had a vision for what the DC universe should be and Justice League is proof the story was worth telling. Without the Snyderverse, several DCEU storylines simply won’t continue – rendering an entire franchise effectively worthless. 

10 Darkseid’s Invasion

As far as the canonical DCEU is concerned, Darkseid doesn’t have his sights on Earth and won’t be looking to annihilate the Justice League anytime soon. This is in stark contrast to the Snyder Cut where Darkseid’s invasion is incredibly imminent (to the point where it’s the sequel hook for Justice League 2). 

Darkseid’s Invasion in the Snyderverse would have resulted in Wonder Woman and Aquaman’s deaths, along with Superman succumbing to the Anti-Life Equation after losing Lois. Darkseid would successfully conquer the planet, setting up the Knightmare timeline seen in Batman v Superman and again at the end of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. 

9 The Knightmare

On that note, it’s unlikely the DCEU will ever revisit the Knightmare outside the context of the Snyderverse. Joss Whedon notably cut all references to the Knightmare in his cut of the Justice League, which Zack Snyder not only restored but directed additional footage for. Following Darkseid’s victory, Batman continues his insurgency with the help of The Flash, Cyborg, Mera, Deathstroke, and The Joker. Had the Snyderverse continued, the Knightmare would have likely become the main setting prior to the final Justice League movie – transforming the DCEU into a proper apocalypse. 

8 Superman And Lois’ Family

Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s relationship has been at the forefront of Zack Snyder’s vision for the DCEU, ultimately serving as the bridge to the Knightmare. Zack Snyder’s Justice League features a shot of a pregnancy test in Lois’ house and Bruce outright congratulates Clark at the end of the movie (likely not just for coming back to life). 

RELATED: Justice League: 5 Reasons To Watch The Snyder Cut (& 5 To Skip It)

Superman and Lois’ family would play a key role in the future of the Snyderverse. Lois would presumably die while pregnant with Clark’s child, giving Darkseid the opportunity to influence Superman with the Anti-Life Equation. Through The Flash, Batman would fix the timeline and set things right, albeit dying in the process. Clark and Lois’ son would be named Bruce Kent in honor of Batman’s sacrifice. 

7 Bruce And Clark’s Continued Rivalry

Naturally, the Snyderverse would flesh out Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent’s relationship/rivalry. While the two end Justice League on amicable turns, the Knightmare means that Superman is eventually going to be corrupted by Darkseid and turn on his allies. Although it’s unclear just how much of Clark Kent is in this evil Superman, he remembers Lois according to Dawn of Justice. Batman’s utter fear of Superman in Justice League’s Knightmare also suggests the two would have had time to develop a new relationship in the post-apocalypse. 

6 Cyborg In The Light Of Silas’ Death

Joss Whedon greatly diminished Cyborg’s role in Justice League’s theatrical cut, depriving the movie of its heart and soul. Not just that, Cyborg’s arc was rewritten to be less tragic, making amends with his father Silas by the end of the movie. Zack Snyder’s Justice League has a more heartbreaking resolution to Silas’ arc. 

After an entire movie of tension between father and son, Silas sacrifices his life so that the Justice League can track down the Mother Box. Silas never truly repairs his relationship with Victor, but he dies a hero and leaves an important example for Cyborg to follow. With Silas alive canonically, Cyborg can’t learn from his father’s sacrifice. 

5 Most Of Cyborg’s Established Development

That’s hardly the worst of it when it comes to Cyborg, though. The Snyder Cut has a rich arc for Cyborg that never made it to the DCEU proper. The Victor Stone who made it into the final cut of Justice League lacks most of the nuance presence in Zack Snyder’s version. Cyborg isn’t as mature, as prevalent, or even as powerful. Zack Snyder’s Justice League sets Cyborg up as a major player with the power to reshape the DCEU as audiences know it. Canonically, fans will be lucky to hear him say “Booyah” again. 

4 Barry Allen As An Already Competent Flash

Similar to Cyborg, Joss Whedon’s Justice League greatly chopped up Barry Allen’s character. In the theatrical release, Barry is an inexperienced hero who’s never so much as fought anyone. He needs to be goaded by Batman into rescuing someone and he is primarily a comic relief character with no discernable arc. Barry Allen in Zack Snyder’s Justice League is already a competent Flash who knows what he’s doing. 

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Barry is still hyperactive and jokey, but he also knows when to dial it back (as evidenced by how much he respect he shows to Superman’s memory). The Flash even ends up saving the day in the end, a far cry from the hero who needed to be persuaded by Batman to be a hero. The only real issue with Snyder’s Barry Allen is that he isn’t named Wally West. 

3 Set Up For Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter is a key member of the Justice League and fans had been awaiting his introduction into the DCEU for ages. Zack Snyder ultimately confirmed that Calvin Swanwick from Man of Steel and Batman V Superman was Martian Manhunter all along, but it wasn’t until the Snyder Cut where fans actually saw him in his proper form. 

Martian Manhunter is first introduced in Justice League after impersonating Martha, returning at the end of the movie to make his presence known to Bruce Wayne. As Swanwick hasn’t so much as been referenced outside the Snyderverse, it’s likely the DCEU won’t be using Martian Manhunter moving forward. And if they do, it’s bound to be a wildly different interpretation.

2 Superman’s Complete Character Arc

According to Zack Snyder, Superman’s character arc would have spanned all the way to the final Justice League movie where he would become the main character in light of Batman’s death and lead the League against one final battle against Darkseid. Superman’s arc has been gradual throughout Snyder’s movies, but Justice League adds some important context. 

Originally, Zack Snyder’s Superman was seen as blasphemous – going against his comic depiction – but his arc was always about becoming that hero to begin with. Superman would have become the DCEU’s main villain only to end up its single greatest champion, liberating the Earth from Darkseid and heralding a new Age of Heroes. As is, it’s unlikely Superman’s arc will continue in the DCEU and even less likely Henry Cavill will continue playing him. 

1 Future State Justice League

Tying the Snyderverse together would be a new Justice League built out of Gotham. Bruce Kent (born powerless) would grow up to become the next Batman, with Lois and Clark bringing him down to the Batcave to pass on Bruce Wayne’s legacy. The new Batman would be accompanied by the heroes of his era, setting the stage for next Justice League to protect the Earth. 

While this obviously will never come into fruition, it’s interesting to note how Zack Snyder’s end goal actually matches DC’s plans for the comics at the end (notably the 5G storyline which became the event series Future State). With DC backpedalling on Future State even in the comics, audiences will never see Bruce Kent’s Justice League on screen. 

Next: 10 Best Things About Zack Snyder’s Justice League


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