Borderlands 3: 10 Best Mods That Change The Game | Game Rant

Borderlands 3 carries on the series’ tradition of pulse-pounding action, zany characters, and witty dialogue. Given the delay of the game’s 4th DLC, the director’s cut, some players may want to experiment with modding their game while they wait for new content from Gearbox.

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Most of the mods available for Borderlands 3 are downloadable save files that simply unlock existing high-level weapons and items. However, there are still a variety of more creative mods that will shake things up for veteran players by altering weapons, enemies, and loot drops throughout the game. There are even humorous joke mods that make the already bombastic world of Borderlands 3 even more hilariously surreal.

10 The Borderlands 3 Hotfix Merger

There are only a handful of mods available for Borderlands 3 on Nexusmods, and if players want to access more complicated content they will need to download and install the hotfix merger.

The Borderlands 3 hotfix merger allows players to tweak and alter hotfixes added to the game by Gearbox. This tool has its own wiki page with useful instructions on how to install it, and it is an essential download for any player who wants to install mods or create their own for Borderlands 3.

9 A Cheaper Eridium Economy

Borderlands 3 is like its predecessors in that most of the gameplay entails grinding to get the best loot. This isn’t an inherently bad thing as the combat is fun and the work put into getting legendary items makes them all the more special.

There are mods to make items, upgrades, and repairs cheaper, which may crash the Eridium economy. However, they are great for players who want to play or replay the game while minimizing the amount of grinding necessary to progress. This mod also lowers the price of all slot machines in the game.

8 The Infinite Slide Mod

For fans who have already finished Borderlands 3, joke mods are a great way to have fun with the familiar setting and play around with ridiculous features. This mod does what it says on the tin and massively increases the length of the player characters slide animation.

There are plenty of vehicles that players can use to traverse the map in Borderlands 3, but this mod adds a new hilarious way for vault hunters to travel with speed. It should be said that the mod does not make the players slide actually infinite, just 4000x longer than it originally was.

7 A Mod For Making Enemies Fight Each Other

The wasteland of Borderlands 3 is a hostile place with plenty of vicious enemies and powerful boss fights that players will encounter on their journey. Monster infighting is a rare mechanic to find in games, especially first-person shooters, as it tends to substantially reduce the game’s difficulty.

The infighting mod sets all enemies in the game to the “enraged Goliath” team, which means that they will just as readily attack each other as they will the player. If someone doesn’t mind the lack of challenge, the mod is great for players who are curious about who would win between a Skag and a Spiderant. The mod even makes some of the DLC3 enemies attack their own mounts.

6 The Silences Sellout Pistol

The  Hazardous Sellout pistol is certainly one of the more unique weapons in Borderlands 3. This gun is obtained during the Sellout mission and will talk to the player, often in a very condescending tone, whenever it is equipped.

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While for most fans the Sellout Pistol’s mocking jibes are the main reason to use it, other players may find being constantly berated by their weapon slightly annoying. The silenced sellout mod removes the voice lines from the pistol and allows it to be used as a normal gun, which is great for players who love the Sellout but have heard its petty insults one too many times.

5 Changing The Size Of NPC’s

Also available through the Borderlands 3 hotfix merger are the sizemods that allow players to enlarge or shrink all friendly and hostile NPCs in the game.

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There are five variations of the sizemod, allowing players to choose between tiny, smol, big, huge, and giant. This mod is purely for comedic effect, although taking on a giant raider that towers over the landscape is very epic. Even the game’s charismatic, somewhat nonsensical, main villains Troy and Tyreen are much less intimidating when they barely come up to the player character’s shins.

4 More Customisable Vehicles

There are three different vehicles players can find and control in Borderlands 3 and each one has a variety of skins as well as other customizable features.

The Vehicle Unlocks mod makes all skins and parts available for a vehicle as soon as it is unlocked, meaning players can customize their cars however they want much earlier in the game. This mod also affects enemy vehicles, randomizing the skins and accessories applied to them so that they no longer have a set design depending on the area they are found in.

3 Randomizers For Enemies, Weapons, And More

For those who have played and replayed Borderlands 3 multiple times, randomizers are a good way to keep the game fresh by mixing up the locations of items and enemies. The hotfix merger has a collection of randomizer mods that allow players to control which part of the game they want to change.

The main benefit of randomizers is that they can make the game unpredictable and more fun for players who have already beaten it. The only downside is that they have the chance of making the game incredibly easy as it is entirely possible to get one of the best weapons in the game right at the beginning.

2 A Mod For Making The Game Third Person

There are 4 vault hunters for players to choose from in Borderlands 3 and a variety of powerful builds available for each one. For players who want to admire their chosen character, there is a mod to make the game third person.

This third-person mode is more of a cheat than a mod but players will find it useful if they want to try the gameplay in a different style or have a wider camera angle to appreciate the game’s stylized landscapes and scenery. This mod is, like many of the others, only available on PC as it requires accessing the developer’s console.

1 Borderlands 3 Redux Mod

Borderlands 3 is a game full of unique weapons, quirky characters, and weird side quests. This didn’t stop a small group of dedicated fans from making a complete overhaul mod called Borderlands 3 Redux.

To try and list all of the changes this mod makes would take too long. That said, the main tweaks and alterations include the replacement of anointments with better weapons, a better Eridium economy, and the ability to land critical hits in melee. With all of these changes and many more, redux is the biggest mod currently available for Borderlands 3.

Next: Every Raid Boss Leading Up To Borderlands 3’s Hemivorous The Invincible


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