Cyberpunk 2077 ‘Fixes’ V’s Weird Sleep Position | Game Rant

In any modern RPG, immersion plays a large role in player enjoyment. The world the player is exploring should feel real, and so should the people inside of it. Nowhere does this apply more than to the player’s character, as they are the single character that players will be spending the most time with throughout the entire game. For this reason, many found it odd that V slept so darn weird when Cyberpunk 2077 first released, but now this small detail has been fixed. It seems that V now sleeps as a normal person does, with their head on the pillow and their entire body on the bed.

For those that somehow missed it, Cyberpunk 2077‘s launch was not pretty, being subject to several bugs, glitches, and other issues that made the game unplayable on certain consoles. Because of this, it’s fair to say that V’s sleeping animation wasn’t very high on the list of things that needed fixing. Even so, the latest patch does address this issue.

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The way that V sleeps is definitely a small and mostly inconsequential detail, but attention to these small details is what makes games great. In terms of immersion, it certainly helps keep players immersed when they aren’t imagining V’s awkward sleeping position every time they go to bed. Players can see the change for themselves in the game now, as the patch should already be up. For the most part it looks the same as before, but now V is rotated so that their body is on the bed and their head is on the pillow.

Fan reaction to this change is mostly very positive, though there are some that feel like other issues should be prioritized instead. Regardless of how one feels about V’s preferred sleeping position, this latest update is certainly a treat for fans of the game. Many other issues have also been fixed and players are starting to see that CD Projekt Red wasn’t kidding around when it claimed that it would fix the game after its rocky launch.

This minor change wasn’t included in the patch notes, meaning there could well be other small things for players to discover. With each passing month, Cyberpunk 2077 gets closer and closer to the dream that players were initially promised, and this update is one of the first major steps towards that goal. It will be interesting to see what CD Projekt Red does next.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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