God of War took the industry by storm when it launched in early 2018, something which the sequel looks to replicate, quite literally with the inclusion of the god of thunder: Thor. The mighty Asgardian warrior is no stranger to pop culture interpretations, with Thor being a major character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well as being recently featured in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. While both approach the Norse figure from a different angle, both with great success, the version set to appear in God of War: Ragnarok may bear more similarities to the one seen in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, as opposed to the superhero played by Chris Hemsworth.
Although the Marvel version of Thor is without a doubt a popular icon in modern media, his more lighthearted and often humorous personality wouldn’t really mesh with the story in the God of War series. The journey of Kratos is filled with despair, tragedy and heavy dramatic themes, which would result in an MCU inspired Thor sticking out like a sore thumb. For this reason, and based on the cameo Thor made in God of War’s ending, it seems apparent that his appearance in the follow up title will be more in line with Ubisoft’s effort.

As stated above, God of War, although not a stranger to calmer moments of levity, is mostly serious in tone and narrative. The 2018 sequel/reboot is no exception with Kratos experiencing further tragedy after the passing of his new wife and tension with the many inhabitants of Midgard. Many of the adversaries that Kratos and his son Atreus meet along the way are gruff, bitter and outright devious towards them. Even Baldur, a villain with a sometimes sarcastic demeanor still maintained a level of menace and brutality fitting the tone of the series. On that note, a mythological figure as well known as Thor would have a certain expectation to be a formidable foe in these circumstances.
The Thor recently featured in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla lived up the expectations of what a Viking figure would behave and appear like. This depiction of the Norse god is a rude, belligerent brute that is aggressive inside and out. Boasting a very “in your face” personality, Valhalla’s Thor acts first and ask questions later, caring little for the sentiment of strangers around him. Considering the expectation that God of War: Ragnarok will continue the story of the original, this Thor will need to be just as mean and brash as other opponents Kratos has faced over the years. This world is a violent, unforgiving one and a character as powerful and iconic as Thor needs to be a force to be reckoned with. He could essentially be along the lines of Zeus in the original God of War trilogy, just now with Mjolnir in hand.

Another important reason to distinguish itself apart and make the Thor seen in God of War: Ragnarok stand out, is to differentiate itself from the MCU version mentioned above. The films in the Marvel universe, particularly the Avengers franchise which Thor is a major player in, are among the most popular movies in modern cinema. Thor has become a household name and beloved fictional character for fans around the world, with that take on the character becoming ingrained in many viewers minds. It is imperative for Santa Monica Studios to provide a fresh spin on Thor, so as to avoid too much sameness with the MCU counterpart.
Thor is one of the most popular Marvel superheroes and would certainly be a good match for Kratos on a pure physical level. In this scenario though, it is just as important to have a challenge for Kratos that is as intimidating and cunning as he is strong.

It remains to be seen how Santa Monica’s own interpretation will stack up to the competition. Based on the approach and creative decisions taken in the past, it seems highly unlikely the MCU will serve as inspiration and the influence will more heavily borrow from Norse mythology itself. Furthermore, even though this version will more than likely be closer to the Thor featured in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, there are ways it can even further stand on its own.
The God of War sequel seems to be setting up telling the Ragnarok storyline, which is Norse mythology’s own telling of a doomsday scenario across the world. For a narrative working within such apocalyptic stakes, there is little room for humor and characters will be on edge and at each other’s throats. This Thor can be especially shocking for gamers (pun intended) by being depicted as far more violent, unforgiving and outright cruel than ever before.
A sequel to God of War is currently in development for the PlayStation 5.

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