Monster Hunter Rise: How to Find Sturdy Bones | Game Rant

Monster Hunter Rise has a rather robust map for players to dig into which offers almost endless resources to discover. Fundamentally, the majority of items that players will collect in Monster Hunter Rise will consist of crafting and upgrading their equipment. This is a standard mechanic in many action-RPGs and this installment of Monster Hunter has piles of things to find. In this particular case, sturdy bones are a much-needed item that all hunters will need at some point during their journey.

Sturdy bones in this game are a standard natural item like Ore that can be found within a stockpile that’s light, durable, and used for crafting. The problem is that this item can take a really long time to spawn and many players are left out in the lurch if they don’t know where to go. Therefore, a shortcut that players can use to gather up on sturdy bones is by exploring the Lava Caverns on the map. This place is teeming with bones that are scattered across the grounds. Every playthrough will be different with every player out there. One player might have really good luck finding sturdy bones here, while the other may have a harder time.

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Regardless, the Lava Caverns is the top choice in regards to farming for sturdy bones. It’s also worth noting that these bone piles will also offer “Monster Bone Dragonhust Shards” which is also valuable in their own right. Be sure to stock up on them, as well. They will become useful in terms of crafting future gear later in the game. With sturdy bones, players will be able to craft advanced weapons and armor like:

  • Wind Thief Scimitar II
  • Bone Buster
  • Serrated Maw
  • Deadly Serpent Blade I
  • Goss Harag Armor
  • Death Stench Armor
  • Melahoa Armor
  • Remobra Armor
  • Jaggi Mask Armor
  • Rhopessa Armor

It would be a good idea to return frequently to the Lava Caverns to double-check for new bone piles. They can take up to a week to respawn, so be patient. It might be a good idea to take careful consideration on what to use the sturdy bones for. They tend to come in small quantities and it can take a while to stock up. In some cases, a player will rack up to 8 to 10 bone piles on the Lava Caverns. It can take a few runs in order to truly obtain the material that a player seeks.

Therefore, be sure there’s plenty of room in the inventory. This will really help avoid the back and forth errand to the Lava Caverns. Of course, more advanced players could possibly find sturdy bones in other higher-ranked areas of the map. However, that’s not really guaranteed and it’s a roll of the dice. So, with new players that are confused about where to find sturdy bones, the Lava Caverns is the best place to farm them.

Monster Hunter Rise is now available on Nintendo Switch and will be available on PC in 2022.

MORE: Monster Hunter Rise: How To Transmog (Get Layered Armor)


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