Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville takes the classic mobile game and turns it into a surprisingly deep and fun PvP and PvE shooter. There’re a lot of classes to learn and skills to master along the way, but the game is pretty beginner friendly. The game points out where to go, how to change classes, and even gives great tutorials during battles.
With that said, there’re still some things that fly under most players’ radars and aren’t explicitly mentioned by the game. Learning how these details work together to form an overall game is the most important step towards becoming a great Plants Vs. Zombies player.
The Peashooter is a standard attack class for the plants side of combat. It’s got decent movement speed and mobility, and is effective from most ranges. Its best range is definitely in the mid range but it’s got abilities and the speed to make it work from close range as well.
In terms of abilities, the Chili Bean ability is a great attack that deals a large amount of damage within a specific area of space. What’s great about this ability is that it can also be moved once activated. Moving the explosive to a better location after spawning it is a key trick that Peashooter players should know since it can help them right their own mistakes. The user doesn’t take any damage from the bean’s explosion so feel free to stay as close to it as possible.
9 Peashooter Pea Suped
Pea Suped is an ability that grants players better mobility for the Peashooter class. This includes higher jumps, faster movement, and a better rate of fire for their standard attack. What the game doesn’t tell the player is that Pea Suped also makes the Peashooter’s other abilities way better as well.
The Chili Bean Bomb can be moved, but it doesn’t move very quickly when the player runs into it. If they use Pea Suped beforehand, they can move the bomb a lot quicker, and surprise enemies. Pea Suped should also be used to find the best vantage points for the Pea Gatling ability. This makes it hard for enemies to hit the player while they rain down damage on their foes.
8 Sunflower Perks
For players who like to flll the support and healer role, the Sunflower is the perfect class. The Sunflower has a few limitations to its gameplay that make it difficult to heal and support the team properly at all times but there’re tricks to get around these limitations. A great example is the Super Savior perk.
Super Savior allows players to jump and use abilities while reviving, and not cancel the revive. This is extremely important because this means players can use their healing abilities while reviving to guarantee a teammate revives with full health. They can also jump around and use their mobility in the revive circle to avoid enemy fire better. When playing the Sunflower, this perk is basically a necessity.
7 Kernel Corn Butter Beacon
Butter Beacon works pretty much the way it sounds like it should. Kernel Corn throws a pat of butter into the battlefield and enemies’ locations are shown to the player within a certain radius. This ability is great combined with a synchronized attack but it also has another use.
Enemies’ that get marked with the Butter Beacon also take one extra damage from Kernel Corn’s normal attack. This one damage doesn’t sound like a lot until players realize that his rate of fire is very fast, so the damage stacks up quickly. This means Butter Beacon has more uses than just revealing enemy locations and can be used as an offensive buff against enemies with a lot of health.
6 Rose’s Arcane Enigma
Rose is a support class that focuses less on healing her allies and more on buffing them to do better in battle. Just because she doesn’t have any healing abilities like Sunflower, doesn’t make her a bad healer though. Her Arcane Enigma allows her to do something no other character can do which is it makes her invulnerable to any attacks.
Her offensive output is pretty poor so this ability doesn’t mean players should just rush in guns blazing with the Arcane Enigma active. What players should do is use the ability to help them revive their teammates! With the enigma active, enemies can’t hurt Rose, and she’s free to revive as long as she’s invulnerable. It also gives allies a speed boost, so they can escape the situation easily.
5 Citron E.M.Peach
Citron’s abilities are all fantastic and his defensive capabilities are almost unmatched in Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville. There’s a secret ability hidden in his E.M.Peach ability that the game doesn’t mention to the player.
In a standard situation, the ability is used to stun enemies, leaving them immobile for a few seconds. Against certain enemies, specifically the Zombie’s mech suits, the E.M.Peach actually has another use. These enemies can’t be stunned, but their fuel reserves can be affected. When a mech suit is hit with the E.M.Peach, they actually lose a third of their fuel, shortening the time considerably.
4 Acorn Sap Trap
Acorn’s Sap Trap ability allows him to fire a sticky bomb that deals solid damage and knocks enemies back, which gives him time to reset the situation with his high mobility. What the game doesn’t tell the player is that Sap Trap also knocks Acorn back without doing any damage to him.
This means that players can use Sap Trap to boost Acorn high into the air, into places he couldn’t reach normally and over the heads of opponents to launch a surprise attack. This secret technique is pretty easy to time and works well with his dash ability to make Acorn move even further and faster.
3 Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
The newest class added to the plant family, Wildflower, has a special ability that boosts its defense when near other players. When Wildflower is near another Wildflower character in battle, it receives a 20% boost to its defense. This ability also stacks for each Wildflower player so each Wildflower near the player boosts their defense as well. This means 2 players nearby would give a boost of 35% and 3 grants 45%. Players should try to abuse this bonus whenever they can to extend the lives of their Wildflowers and make it hard for the enemy to press any advantage on them.
2 Using Link Icons
For players who use Wildflower, its extremely important that they stay close to their other Wildflower companions, so they can receive their defensive boost. This would imply that they’d have to keep track of the other players at all times which isn’t exactly plausible. Luckily, there’s an icon in game that actually points out where other Wildflower players are!
This icon appears through walls and is always active so players couldn’t lose sight of their allies even if they tried. Using this icon properly could also help players understand where enemies are and how the battle is progressing in different areas. Pro players definitely understand the implications of the link icon and how to track its progress.
1 Night Cap’s AoE
Night Cap’s general game plan is to zip around the map with her speed and confuse enemies with her invisibility and debuffs. Using her properly is difficult because of her low health and slow fire rate. The good thing about her basic attack aside from its fire rate is that it can actually hit multiple enemies at once. Using the spores she throws from a distance into a group of enemies actually hits them for the same amount of damage, which is pretty abnormal in this game.
Combining this knowledge with Casting Shadows to make her invisible, makes Night Cap a menace from a distance. Once the enemy finds out where she is, she can use Shadow Sneak to reposition herself and do it all again.
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