Apex Legends recently celebrated its second anniversary and has been rising in popularity slowly since it was first released. It’s one of the most popular battle royale-style games out there for its movement and skill systems and for its extremely satisfying gunplay, but even the most dedicated fans haven’t found the game’s more obscure secrets.
There are a lot of secrets in Apex Legends, especially when it comes to Titanfall references, interactions between characters, and secret locations in-game. These secrets are spread all over the place, though, so be ready to spend some time across the game’s three maps (four, counting the Firing Range) to find all of its hidden features.
8 Dummies Come To Life – Firing Range

The training map Firing Range is home to many of Apex Legends‘ secrets as it’s a place a player can spend as much time as they like without worrying about the ring or other users. The dummies in the Firing Range don’t come to life normally, though – the player has to do a few specific actions first.
Start as Pathfinder, then drop the starting weapon on the ground near the other weapons. Then, go back to the cave at the spawn point and look up to see a support platform that Pathfinder’s grapple will reach. Get on top of this platform, look down while facing towards the cave mouth, and choose another legend. Upon going back outside, the dummies start shooting back!
7 Hidden Small Nessies – Olympus

On top of one of the cross-map portals on Olympus, there is a small family of Nessie dolls overlooking the canyon below. Players can see the heads of the Nessie “parents” with a sniper scope from the valley below, but to see them up close the player must play as Pathfinder.
Pathfinder’s grapple can be used to ascend great heights, even greater if the player makes good use of his momentum while grappling. Fling up to the top of the large portal conductors to find a beautiful aquatic family doing everything they can to avoid the violence below.
6 …And The OG Nessie – Firing Range

The Nessie dolls on Olympus are not the first of the dolls featured in-game. That honor belongs to the solitary Nessie doll in the Firing Range. This Nessie is located far, far above the normal reachable height of the map, and requires the player to use their time wisely in reaching it or risk dying.
This Nessie was one of the first found by players, but it wasn’t the last. In total, there have been 10 Nessies found in King’s Canyon alone, who at the initial release of the game triggered a special event where a full-sized doll showed up if they were shot in the correct order.
5 Skyhook Has A Titanfall Reference – World’s Edge

Because Apex Legends functions as an extension of the Titanfall universe, there were bound to be some references to Titanfall in-game. Hopefully, one day in the future players will be able to point out the Apex Legends references in Titanfall 3.
On World’s Edge, the skyscraper in Skyhook seems to be a direct reference to the space elevator seen on Eden in Titanfall 2. There are photos and other buildings that reference their counterparts in the Titanfall games throughout the maps in Apex Legends too.
4 Pathfinder’s Overwatch Frame – Player Banner

Pathfinder from Apex Legends and Bastion from Overwatch share some similarities, although they function almost completely differently in their respective games. While Pathfinder is a mobility-focused legend, Bastion prefers to move slowly and mow down enemies.
Respawn included a banner frame for Pathfinder that references the two characters’ similar appearance and personalities, though, in the form of Bloodhound’s raven Artur attacking Pathfinder. Bastion is accompanied by a small bird in Overwatch, who certainly wouldn’t try to scratch his shiny metal exterior as Artur does.
3 Wattson & Wraith Ghostly Interactions – Any Map

Wraith and Wattson don’t share as much of a history as other characters in Apex, but they do have one of the strangest lines of dialogue in the whole game. If Wraith and Wattson are in the party at Singh Labs, they will talk about how Wattson saw a ghost there once.
Wraith responds strangely and says either “I promise you. Natalie, you didn’t see – hold up. We should discuss this later” or “I told you – There’s no such thing as– wait. We should talk more about this later.” It’s not known exactly who they are referring to, but fans speculate Wattson saw another version of Wraith, not a ghost at all.
2 Widow-Class Ships Come Back – Olympus

Widow-class ships in the Titanfall universe carry the eponymous Titans to and from where they are needed. They stand out among other ships in Apex partly for being a callback to Titanfall, but mostly for the “oWo” printed on the side.
It’s probably both a bit of internet humor and a sign that these ships aren’t the exact models from Titanfall 2. Nonetheless, keep an eye out for these ships on Olympus on the edges of the map. They won’t drop off a Titan (a Titanfall-style pilot hasn’t been announced for Apex yet) but they do hold supplies.
1 The Secret Bunker – King’s Canyon

On King’s Canyon, there is a secret bunker that is only accessible if the player either aims for it during the initial drop phase or uses a jump tower to go off the edge of the cliff. The bunker is located to the south of the Marketplace and southwest of Octane’s Gauntlet.
Aim carefully, though, because this secret bunker is merely a gash in the cliff walls and missing the drop means certain death. If the player makes it, they are rewarded with high-tier loot and a path to the surface.

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