Eren is the main character of Attack on Titan, one of the most popular anime ever made. When he was first introduced, he was a child who wanted to join the Survey Corps, a branch of the military that fights humanity’s predators, the titans. After they broke into his home and one of them ate his mother, Eren joined the 104th Cadet Corps and trained alongside his new comrades.
After they graduated, Eren discovered that he could transform into a titan and became the Survey Corps’ greatest weapon. Another soldier from the 104th Cadet Corps, Annie, also had this ability but used it to attack the Survey Corps, leaving Eren to have to fight her at the end of the first season. He’s changed a lot since then and here are ten ways that prove it.
10 He Killed A Titan Without Transforming Into One

Eren has killed more than anyone else in the franchise, but he has mostly used his titan abilities to fight his enemies. Because of that, it wasn’t until the second season when he would kill a titan the way he was trained to in the 104th Cadet Corps.
When Historia, Ymir, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Connie were surrounded by a group of titans, the Survey Corps saved them. Eren successfully stabbed one of the titans in the neck and was happy to get his first kill that way.
9 He Learned To Accept Reality

Eren couldn’t believe it when Reiner and Bertholdt revealed themselves to be the Armored and Colossal Titans. He didn’t want to think that someone he looked up to like a brother and another close comrade of his could be his enemies. However, once they transformed, Eren knew that he couldn’t deny it and fight back.
When Annie turned out to be the Female Titan, Eren hesitated to fight her even though the two weren’t close. Being able to fight against two people he was friends with proved that Eren learned from his past mistake.
8 He Activated The Coordinate

At the end of the second season, Eren found the titan that ate his mother. When he punched the titan, he activated the coordinate, causing her to be attacked by the other titans around them. At the time Eren didn’t know what this ability was and everyone was surprised that he was able to do this.
It turned out that since Eren inherited the Founding Titan, he could control all of the titans whenever he was made contact with someone from the Fritz family. The titan that ate Carla turned out to be Dina Fritz, a distant relative of Paradis’ royal family.
7 He Found Out How He Became A Titan

How Eren obtained his powers was a mystery for a long time. When he met Rod Reiss, the king of Paradis, he learned what happened. His father, Grisha, attacked the Fritz family in order to take Frieda Reiss’ Founding Titan. He killed her and everyone around them, except for Rod.
Grisha then injected Eren with titan serum and had his son eat him, giving him both the Founding and Attack Titans that he inherited. Eren wasn’t able to remember this and was shocked that he ate his own father without knowing it.
6 He Learned About Grisha’s Past

When Eren remembered that his instructor, Keith, was friends with Grisha, he asked the former commander what he knew about his father. Keith had found Grisha outside of the walls. Grisha told him that he couldn’t remember much about his past so Keith brought him to Shiganshina, where he became the district’s doctor and met Carla.
However, Eren would learn later on that Grisha’s amnesia was a lie. He pretended to forget everything because he was from Marley. With his first wife, Dina Fritz, he led the Eldian Restorationists. Once they were discovered, the group was turned into titans and sent to Paradis. A Marleyan officer that worked with them gave Grisha the Attack Titan and told him to start a new life within the walls.
5 He Went Back Home

When the Survey Corps was ready to retake Wall Maria, Eren was finally able to go back to Shiganshina. It was the first time he, as well as Mikasa and Armin, had been there since they were children and saw the titans break into their home. Once they returned, they had to fight against the Colossal, Armored, and Beast Titans.
Luckily, Eren was able to fix the hole in the wall and was finally able to go into the basement of his childhood home, along with Mikasa, Hange, and Levi. Here, Eren learned about Grisha’s life in Marley, along with other secrets about the world beyond the walls.
4 He Defeated The Colossal Titan

Since the first episode, the Colossal Titan seemed to be the biggest threat in the series. Without Bertholdt kicking down the wall and letting the titans into Shiganshina, a lot of the events in the series wouldn’t have happened. During the Survey Corps fight against the Colossal, Beast, and Armored Titans, Eren and Armin teamed up to defeat Bertholdt.
They were able to trick him into letting his guard down and defeated him. However, as a result, Armin was almost burned to death. In order to save him, Levi injected Armin with titan serum and had him eat Bertholdt so he could inherit the Colossal Titan.
3 He Saw The Sea

When they were kids, Armin showed Eren a book that he found. By reading this book, they learned that other places around the world were very different than the island they lived on. The place that Armin wanted to go to the most was the sea, which Eren didn’t think was real.
At the end of the third season, the two of them, along with their friends, went further away from the walls than they ever had before and eventually reached the sea. After all these years, one of his goals came true, but instead of being happy like Armin and the others were, he thought about killing their enemies on the other side of the sea, hoping that doing so would give him the freedom he always wanted.
2 He Went To Marley

The beginning of season four takes place a few years after the Survey Corps went to the edge of Paradis. Eren finally went to Marley and pretended to be injured so he could spy on his enemies at a hospital. Due to the time jump and how much more he learned about the world, Eren’s personality greatly changed.
This new side of Eren was nothing like what fans would have expected him to become. He attacked Marley the same way Reiner and Bertholdt attacked Paradis, he manipulated a young warrior named Falco into sending a letter telling the Survey Corps to join him, and he killed a bunch of innocent people so he could inherit the War Hammer Titan before going back home.
1 He Betrayed The Survey Corps

Out of all of Eren’s actions, betraying the Survey Corps was the most surprising. After having them help him fight the warriors in Marley, he and Zeke, the inheritor of the Beast Titan who was also Grisha’s first son, returned to Paradis. Because of his actions, Eren lost the Survey Corps’ trust.
However, Eren had planned this for a long time and secretly turned some of Paradis’ soldiers, as well as many civilians, onto his side. He led a revolution and overthrew the military. The titan shifter that gave the Survey Corps hope became the Eldian devil that took their hope away.

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