Call Of Duty Warzone: 10 Bugs And Glitches That Are Still Unresolved In Season 2

Each new Season in Warzone brings a host of bugs and glitches players have to deal with. From the infamous stim glitch to the invisibility glitch, Warzone players have seen them all. Season 2 is no different.

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With every glitch that is fixed, two more are created, or at least that is how it seems. There are a number of recurring glitches that are still present in March of 2021. This article will cover ten examples of unresolved glitches in Season 2, a few of which have just been discovered.

10 Bugged Rebirth Lobbies

Lobby issues on Rebirth Island began to surface at the end of Season 1. At times, it was impossible to find a lobby that would fill and start the countdown timer. This issue was compounded by the random kicking bugs that have been in the game for months. Both of the issues have gotten worse with each subsequent update. During high-volume hours, the game can be unplayable.

9 Armor Plate Issues On Rebirth Island

Another armor plate glitch is occurring in different areas around rebirth island, which is frustrating for players fighting in the early minutes of a match. The plate glitch has been a problem since launch and it reappears at least once in every Season. At one point, plates did not drop anywhere in Verdansk. The Superstore plate bug lasted for weeks as well. Hopefully, Activision finds a way to resolve the issue.

8 Merged Lobbies

The lobby merge bug became frequent after the Cold War update. Players in a squads queue will randomly get sent to a different lobby with different players. There have also been reports of players getting grouped into teams of five or more players in squads. The glitch adds to the frustration of trying to find a match with all of the server problems, as well as SBMM.

7 Loadout Glitch

Activision claims that the loadout glitch has been fixed, but this is not the first time they have attempted to resolve it. Gamers should assume the worst and protect themselves while grabbing their loadout. Apparently looking at the menu before dropping in fixes the problem, so gamers may want to try that technique as well. Even if it is “fixed” the issue may resurface, as it has been in the game for almost three months.

6 Broken Rebirth Island State

One of the newest discovered glitches is a bugged respawn on Rebirth Island. The respawn ticker will count down, but players will not actually revive. Then unlucky gamers will appear to be alive, but stuck in spectate mode. This glitch is yet another game-breaking issue for developers to fix. The glitch will, however, make the players invincible.

5 Menu Crashing

The Warzone menus have been slow, laggy, and glitchy since the game was launched a year ago. These issues are especially apparent on console. Players will click on the operators and none will appear, or a blueprint will be invisible when spectating. It makes little sense to have hundreds of customization options when they cannot be accessed. Invisible players in the pre-game lobby and constant freezing has been a problem in Warzone for too long.

4 Revive Glitch

Players have been losing their weapons after getting revived in Verdansk. Gamers will not be able to switch from their tactical grenades either. Some of the players afflicted with this bug will not be able to pick up weapons or items as well. It is unclear when or how this glitch was introduced, but it is one of the worst thus far. Nothing is more painful than losing a match because of a glitch.

3 Return To Combat Area

The restricted area bug is one of the most annoying issues to plague Warzone. Some players will get stuck with the “return to combat area” notification, similar to the gas mask glitch. Amazingly, they are blessed with the incessant audio warning for the rest of the round. The deafening sounds will at least cover up all of the audio issues in the game.

2 Recurring Audio Issues

Any gamer that has played Warzone for a couple of months will notice how imbalanced and inconsistent the audio is. The audio problems are one of the most common complaints made by professionals and content creators. Ladders still do not make any sound at times, and when they do, it is so soft that only players with better gaming chairs will hear it. Doors have recently decided that they do not generate sound as well. Sometimes players will sound like they are close, but are 50 meters away. In other instances, entire teams will push up the stairwell of a building and generate no audio. The overall audio system in Warzone is still in need of an overhaul.

1 Rebirth Island Wall Glitch

Last season, there were a handful of these types of see-through walls, and another has popped up on Rebirth Island. Some of these walls can be wall banged, and others can be shot through without a damage reduction. Either way, these walls need to be fixed, as they are an extreme advantage for teams late in games. All of them work like a two-sided mirror. Teams can identify and sometimes kill players that are unable to see them on the map.

NEXT: Call of Duty Warzone: How To Throw C4 Further

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