WandaVision: Everything We Know About The Hex | Game Rant

Disney +’s WandaVision picks up several weeks after the events of Avengers: Endgame. After Westview, New Jersey, and its residents “vanish,” the FBI and SWORD agencies begin an investigation. They surmise that the energy field encasing the town is the cause of this chaos.

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They would later find out that Wanda Maximoff created the Westview Anomaly; it became a prison for the town’s residents and Wanda herself. As with any intricate creation, there are several questions viewers may have about the Hex and how it functions. Thankfully, there are plenty of concrete facts we know about the structure.

12 Wanda Creates The Hex Involuntarily

Even though Vision died five years before the events of WandaVision, the pain from that death is still fresh for Wanda. Those who returned from The Blip haven’t aged a day, and they feel as if no time has passed. With so much to process in such a short time, Wanda becomes overwhelmed by the loss of Vision.

Wanda’s emotions unlock a new power within her, one that creates things from nothing. This chaos magic results from Wanda’s lack of training; she eventually realizes what she has done and regrets it, but the Hex was not an intentional creation.

11 Each Era In The Hex Reflects A Sitcom Wanda Watched

Over the course of the series, Wanda takes the town’s resident’s through a menagerie of different eras, settings, and scenarios reminiscent of old sitcoms. This is because the Hex recreates the eras in Wanda’s favorite shows, as she was the happiest when she watched these shows with her family. She came to associate these shows with what happiness would look like.

When Wanda subconsciously creates the Hex, she wishes for a place where she can be happy with her love, Vision. Thanks to her flawed view of what contentment is, she flashes through sitcoms each time something out of place happens, eventually exhausting her supply of shows to choose from.

10 The Outer Perimeter Of The Hex Is The Weakest Portion

Wanda’s Hex is as flawed as her vision of happiness is. This incomplete creation has a fragmented structure. The illusions closest to the center of town are the most elaborate. People, places, and things run on a sort of autopilot, fulfilling Wanda’s wishes.

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The farther one gets from the center, the weaker the illusions become. People start to stutter, freeze and malfunction the closer one gets to Ellis Avenue. This is as far as Wanda’s Hex was stretched at the beginning of the show, though she would expand her reach later.

9 The Hex Sends Out A Signal

The only reason the team at SWORD was able to find out what was in the Hex was because of Darcy’s quick thinking. The anomaly sent out radio waves, something that an old TV could pick up.

When Darcy plugged an ancient TV, she saw what was inside the Hex. This would, in turn, spur on a chain of events that would coerce Wanda into relinquishing the townspeople and ending this charade.

8 The Hex Recreates Objects

Once SWORD knew that people were being held inside the Hex, they tried sending in agents with state-of-the-art gear equipped. This preparation would prove ineffective, as the Hex transforms objects to match the era it is mimicking.

The chord one agent was attached to changed into a jump rope once it crossed the border, and his hazmat suit swapped for an era-appropriate bee-keeper uniform.

7 Passing Through The Hex Rewrites Cells

After their failed attempt to send an agent through the Hex, SWORD stopped trying to send people in. Only Monica travels through the Hex after this, and she does so multiple times. Darcy informs her that traveling through the Hex has adverse effects on the human body, as it is incredibly radioactive.

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According to Darcy, going through the Hex rewrites cells on a molecular level, and Monica traveled through the barrier on three separate occasions. Viewers can assume that her doing this helped awaken her meta-human powers, starting her on the path to becoming Photon.

6 Wanda Can Control The Size Of The Hex

When Vision wanders outside of the Hex, he starts to fall apart. Without Hex’s intervention, he cannot maintain his form. With Wanda so far from him, the only thing she can do to save him is to expand the town’s barrier. It’s an impressive display of power.

5 Expanding The Hex Weakens Wanda’s Control

Wanda may be able to expand the Hex and her area of influence, but doing so comes at a cost. Before she increased the Hex’s size, Wanda only lost control of the illusions on the edge of town. When she has to control a larger area, her control starts to wane.

The furniture, technology, and items in her house start to transform against her will, and she can’t stop things from falling apart for long.

4 The Hex Creates Matter On Top Of Rewriting It

While most witches can create matter, only a witch with Chaos Magic can create something from nothing. Agatha explains how rare a Scarlet Witch is when she reveals herself to Wanda. The Dark Hold even has an entire chapter dedicated to her existence. The Scarlet Witch doesn’t need incantations or follow the rules; she rewrites reality to her choosing.

3 Billy, Tommy, & Vision Can’t Survive Outside Of The Hex.

Though Wanda’s powers are impressive, they are unrefined. Her Hex is incomplete, and magics cast with flaws have consequences. The most significant consequence tied to the Hex is that Wanda’s children and husband need it to survive. If she releases the spell, they’ll cease to exist.

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Once someone casts a spell, it cannot be undone, so there is no way to free the children or Vision from this incomplete creation. The only way to free the people of Westview is by sacrificing her family.

2 Agatha Is Trapped In Westview Without Magic

When Wanda and Agatha fight each other, Wanda outsmarts the witch by casting runes on her Hex walls. This means that Agatha can’t use any magic when she’s in Westview. After she takes her magic, Wanda transforms Agatha into Agnes again, leaving her in town should she need her help understanding chaos magic in the future.

Because Agatha doesn’t break out of this spell, one can assume that she will remain powerless while in Westview, trapped in Wanda’s spell.

1 The Hex Teaches Wanda She Must Master Her Powers

Apart from teaching her to accept the tragedies of the past, Wanda’s biggest takeaway from her time in Westview is that she must learn to use her powers so that she doesn’t hurt anyone else inadvertently again.

The series concludes with Wanda leaving town and heading into solitude with the Dark Hold, spending time searching through its pages for ways to save her children. Viewers will have to wait until Dr. Strange, and the Multiverse of Madness releases to see the true conclusion to this story.

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