The Elder Scrolls Online is Coming to PS5 With Next-Generation Enhancements 31 3 月, 2021 Laura Savaglia 0 PlayStation announces The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced, a new edition of the popular MMORPG being released for the PlayStation 5.
美國10年期債息首季升逾80基點 逾4年最大升幅 31 3 月, 2021 - 即時新聞: 財經 0 美國10年期國債孳息率曾升至1.753厘,升2.7個基點,貼近14個月高位。 10年期債息首季升超過80個基點,重返疫情前水平,並錄得2016年底以來最大單季升幅。 美國經濟增長及通脹加快的預期,以及美國國債供應增加,推高債息,分析預料第2季債息持續上升。…
Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne HD Gets New Trailer | Game Rant 31 3 月, 2021 Matthew Cronn 0 Persona fans wanting something to tide them over until the next game, or mainline Shin Megami Tensei fans, may appreciate Shin Megami Tensei 3.
Big Among Us Update Finally Adds the Airship Map to the Game 31 3 月, 2021 JJ Broson 0 Innersloth finally releases the new Among Us map after a month of teasing; it also details its plans for the future of the game.
Outriders Release Time, File Size, & More | Game Rant 31 3 月, 2021 Chris Davenport 0 The anticipated Outriders title from People Can Fly is on the cusp of release with file sizes and release times for eager fans.
Minecraft Player Creates Replica of Hawaiian Islands Using NASA Data 31 3 月, 2021 Arron Kluz 0 Minecraft builder and YouTuber Frank Cesco releases a video showing off an incredibly detailed recreation of the Hawaiian Islands.
港股美國預託證券大多造好 騰訊及美團升近2% 31 3 月, 2021 - 即時新聞: 財經 0 港股美國預託證券(ADR)大多造好。 騰訊及美團ADR都比本港昨日收市價升近2%,以港元計,騰訊折合報620.4元,美團折合報303.7元。 港交所、平保及友邦ADR,升約1%或以上。 滙控ADR則跌0.4%,折合報45.3元。中石化ADR跌1%,折合報4.1元。…
美元指數觸及近5個月高位後回軟 31 3 月, 2021 - 即時新聞: 財經 0 反映美元兌一籃子貨幣走勢的美元指數先升後回,一度升約0.2%,觸及93.437,創近5個月新高,其後曾跌穿93,現時徘徊於近93.2水平。 美元兌日圓最高升至110.94,其後徘徊110.7附近。 歐元兌美元徘徊1.173水平。…
8 Game Sequels That Were Canceled For Strange Reasons | Game Rant 31 3 月, 2021 Erik Petrovich 0 Game development is so unpredictable and complicated, even sequels to established properties are at risk of being canceled for a variety of reasons.
It’s Time To Stop Making Harry Potter Movies | Game Rant 31 3 月, 2021 Lissete Lanuza Sáenz 0 Fans have moved past the need for any more Harry Potter content. It’s time to say goodbye.