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31 3 月, 2021 EMILY CHAN,KONEY BAI 0

WHO正式发布新冠溯源报告;弗洛伊德案目击者出庭作证;爱泼斯坦前女友被控性贩运未成年人;对冲基金Archegos爆仓在华尔街造成震荡……这里是今日要闻。 Anthony Wallace/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images 左起:香港政府官员曾国卫、林郑月娥和邓忍光周二在有关选举制度改革的新闻发布会上。 …

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A team at Google just made the perfect document scanner

31 3 月, 2021 Derrek Lee 0

Google puts enterprise-level AI into a handy document scanner.

What you need to know

Google’s incubator team just developed a smart document scanner.
The app will automatically organize documents and add important details.
Stack uses enterprise-level AI to analyze documents and organize them.

Google’s in-house Area 120 incubator has just developed a new application called Stack. As a document scanner, it may not sound exciting, but its many AI smarts can help you keep track of your documents which is always important when tax season is around. It’s essentially a purpose-built version of Google Lens available for even the best cheap Android phones.

With the app, you can scan a document such as a receipt or a bill, and the app will automatically categorize it and organize it into a “stack.” The app will use AI to “read” what’s on the document to determine what it is. It can also automatically draw information from the document, such as dates, amounts, and account numbers, adding …

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