Destiny 2 gives players three options when it comes to in-game classes: the deadly Hunter, the imposing Titan, and the all-powerful Warlock. Each of these classes has different skill sets that players can choose from, but Warlocks generally boast the most variety.
Warlocks can do everything, from unleashing devastating Nova Bombs to utilizing powerful healing abilities (not to mention the incredible Chaos Reach Warlock). This allows players to fine-tune their Warlock to their preferred playstyle. This makes the class a favorite among many Destiny 2 players, but there are some who still criticize the class. This Dawnblade-wielding icon has been the subject of a number of memes, either showering the Warlock with the love it deserves or shedding light on its weaknesses.
10 Melee Exotics Are Everywhere

While the mighty (and often rather confusing) Titan‘s hammer-throwing abilities are impressive, the true king of melee is still the Warlock. Warlocks have access to a variety of exotics that can alter the range of, cooldown of, or the number of charges on their melee ability.
With all that equipment, Warlock mains can easily tune their melee skill to their liking. Foes on the other side of the battlefield never know what to expect when a Warlock closes in on them.
9 Trust In The Nova Bomb

Easily one of the most satisfying abilities to use in Destiny 2, the Nova Bomb is a thing of absolute beauty when executed correctly. A well-timed blast can completely annihilate an enemy team in the Crucible. It’s also excellent for PvE content, as this deadly projectile can easily wipe out dozens of clustered enemies at once.
The Nova Bomb will be a staple of Destiny 2 highlight reels for the lifespan of the game, and Warlocks will continue to let those purple balls of destruction fly without caution.
8 What’s A Warlock Without A Cape?

At its core, Destiny 2 is really all about fashion. Titans strut around sporting gigantic shoulder pads. Hunters dodge around battlefields in hooded cloaks. Warlocks, however, strive for elegance.
Warlocks are the absolute epitome of fashion in Destiny 2. Their capes often come with bright colors and delicately designed embroideries. Essentially, what they lack in combat functionality, they make up for in style. Their aesthetic is truly unrivaled.
7 Stormcaller Warlock Is A Blast

The Stormcaller subclass of the Warlock is a favorite among many players, for PVP and PVE content alike. Waves of enemies can be vaporized at once with the powerful lightning hands of the Stormcaller.
In the Crucible, players have to be very quick indeed if they want to avoid dying to the Stormcaller. Long-ranged attacks are the best way to deal with a Stormcaller, but if they do manage to close the distance, it’s all over. This makes the Stormcaller Warlock an absolute nightmare to face in close-quarters combat.
6 The Infamous Range Of The Warlock Melee

It is no secret that the Warlock’s melee is a bit ridiculous. The range was recently increased to 5.5 meters, giving it the longest range of the three classes. This allows the Warlock to slap foes with their magical palm strikes from across the battlefield.
It has never been confirmed whether the Warlock’s arm really does stretch out to 5.5 meters, or if the Warlock simply flies over to its target’s location very quickly. Either way, it’s best to not be on the receiving end of one of those impossible void-slaps.
5 Warlocks Take Flight

Each class in Destiny 2 has its own unique jump. Titans essentially have a jetpack and Hunters get a triple jump. The Warlock’s jump is a light, graceful glide. This glide is difficult to get the hang of at first, but develops into arguably the best jump in the game as players learn to utilize its nique properties effectively.
The Warlock’s glide allows for them to achieve great airtime without falling too fast. The difficult part is learning to direct a Warlock’s landing during precision jumps. Many players have fallen victim to the consequences of overshooting a Warlock glide.
4 Warlocks Were A Stasis Menace

There was a time that Warlocks were the nigh undisputed crowd control kings of Destiny 2. This was after the release of the Shadebinder subclass with the Beyond Light expansion last year, which saw Warlocks running rampant and wantonly freezing opponents in the Crucible.
It was a glorious time to be a Warlock main, but since then the subclass has fallen off after a round of nerfs and then another round of buffs from Bungie. Still, there are some players who remain hopeful that one day their frozen champion will rise to prominence again.
3 The Morality Of Exo Warlocks

This meme really opens the door for a lot of questions, regarding the Exo and their relationship with one of the villainous enemy types of Destiny 2, the Vex. The Vex operate as machines linked together by a single mind, while the Exo are free-thinking machines developed by mankind during the Golden Age.
Perhaps Exo Warlocks should show some sort of sympathy towards the Vex, as the Vex are unable to think for themselves.
2 Emperor Palpatine And Stormcaller Warlocks

Stormcaller Warlocks are very powerful wizards who shoot lightning from their hands. Ring any bells? When the Stormcaller Warlock was first announced, memes exploded all over Destiny 2 forums and communities, comparing the lightning launching legend to Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars.
The comparison has long been the most prominent meme in the Destiny 2 lexicon, and still brings fans joy today. Players are likely to warn their teammates of the Emperor’s presence after their first run-in with a Stormcaller in each round of Crucible.
1 When The Warlock Decides Not To Heal

The Warlock class has access to a powerful AOE healing spell, called Healing Well. Healing Well is incredibly useful when running Raids, as other classes do not have the same healing capabilities as the Warlock.
Having one Warlock in a Raid is already not ideal, and if that one Warlock is not running Healing Well, the entire mission can be put in jeopardy. Many players will relaunch a Raid if there isn’t at least one Warlock with Healing Well. This makes support Warlock mains the most sought-after Raid partners in the game.

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