There are a certain class of actors who have gained a devoted following online, either through their acting ability, positive relationship with fans, or being included in memes. Keanu Reeves ticks all of these boxes, and because of this unique status, fan excitement buzzes when a new Keanu project is announced, like the Netflix deal that will adapt his comic BRZRKR. This appreciation for Keanu also leads to him being included in fan-driven internet content, like a new deep fake placing him in the starring role in Ghost of Tsushima.
Ghost of Tsushima has been a huge hit for developer Sucker Punch Productions, well received by critics and fans alike, the game’s gorgeous visuals and solid mechanics have drawn a significant amount of players in. Ghost of Tsushima just topped over 6.5 million copies sold, which is a pretty substantial figure, considering the game is a new IP. It took Sucker Punch years of development to get the game to the finely tuned point the company could be satisfied with, and the time spent shows. The only thing the game is missing, apparently, is Keanu Reeves.
A fan has taken on the task of placing the actor into the lead role in Ghost of Tsushima, deep faking Keanu into the game as Jin Sakai. The elaborate 12-minute video takes scenes from throughout the game and creates an alternate Ghost of Tsushima world where Keanu is the star. The effect looks pretty good, as most quality deep fakes tend to look these days, with Keanu slipping into the role of Jin rather seemlessly.
This isn’t Keanu’s first role (official or otherwise) in a video game, as the actor featured prominently in the beleaguered Cyberpunk 2077. Despite the game still facing issues as it tries to win back the public’s trust, Keanu seems to have enjoyed his time working on the game, even purchasing merchandise of his character Johnny Silverhand.
While fans of the actor would likely enjoy seeing him in just about any project, the chances of Keanu being asked to sign on to something Ghost of Tsushima related might be slim. Especially considering that the actor who actually played Jin Sakai has expressed interest in reprising his role in the movie adaptation of Ghost of Tsushima. Daisuke Tsuji does a fine job in the role of Sakai, and bringing the actor back would be a solid move, given his familiarity with the character already.
Keanu has a number of projects on the go right now, so fans have plenty of outlets to get their Keanu fix. This well-crafted deep fake offers a nice little “what if” from the fan community.
Ghost of Tsushima is available now for PS4.

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