Kingdom Hearts has a lot of great characters, but not all of them are equal in popularity. Despite being around since the second installment in the series, Chain of Memories, Namine is a very underrated character even though she’s played an important role throughout multiple games.
She was created when Sora sacrificed himself to save the Princesses of Heart. As Kairi’s heart was inside of Sora, she had a nobody, who turned out to be Namine. As this is a very strange way for a nobody to come into existence, Namine has an incredible power, allowing her to alter the memories of Sora and the people around him. Here are the best things she’s said throughout the games she appeared in.
10 “You Were Never Supposed To Exist, Roxas.”

Sora’s sacrifice also resulted in Roxas, his own nobody. However, unlike Namine, Roxas didn’t know anything about himself, including how he was created. Throughout 358/2 Days, he slowly started to learn the truth but his memory was taken away at the end of the game. Immediately following that, Namine met him in Kingdom Hearts II, and explained that he was a nobody. When she said these words to him, he was confused and hurt but would come to accept the truth by the time that installment ended.
9 “He’s The One They All Miss. It’s… Not Me.”

Namine and Roxas have a lot of similarities but their biggest difference is how much the fans love them. While Namine is underrated, Roxas is dearly beloved by players, something that she subtly mentioned in Kingdom Hearts III.
When Sora went to The Final World, he met Namine, who had taken the appearance of a star, like nearly everyone else there did. Wanting to let the nobodies be their own people, Sora reassured her that there are people who care to bring her back, including himself and Roxas.
8 “I Always Thought Nobodies Were Doomed To Fade Back Into Darkness.”

Though Sora may want the nobodies to exist on their own now, he didn’t consider this at the end of Kingdom Hearts II. In a conversation between Namine, Sora, Roxas, and Kairi, the nobodies seemed to be happy that they would be able to be inside of their somebodies rather than return to the darkness like the other Organization XIII members did. Sora and Kairi told their nobodies that they would be with each other every day so that Roxas and Namine wouldn’t be apart.
7 “He Won’t Forget…”

Full quote: “He won’t forget. No matter how much I change his memory, sora will never forget Kairi. Memories of me- more false memories of me will just make his feelings for Kairi even stronger than before. Because… I’m the shadow of Kairi.”
Sora doesn’t remember the first time he met Namine as she was forced to remove his memories and give him fake ones under Organization XIII’s orders. When she was told that he would forget about Kairi, she made it very clear that there would always be a part of him that could remember her due to Namine being Kairi’s nobody.
6 “Roxas. Nobodies Like Us Are Only Half A Person…”

Full quote: “Roxas. Nobodies like us are only half a person. You won’t disappear. You’ll be whole!”
As Roxas learned more about the reality around him, he wondered what would happen to him and asked Namine. However, before she could answer. DiZ interrupted the conversation and caused her to dematerialize. DiZ told Roxas that since he’s a nobody, he doesn’t have the right to know the truth. This caused Roxas to be even more confused as he didn’t know what a nobody was at the time. When Namine returned, she answered his questions as DiZ tried to take her away. Knowing that she had little time to continue the conversation, she told Roxas that they’d meet again even if they didn’t recognize each other, referring to Kairi and Sora.
5 “Think, Sora. Think Just One More Time. About Who’s Most Special To You…”

Full quote: “Think, Sora. Think just one more time. About who’s most special to you. Call out to that piece of memory that glimmers faintly deep inside your heart. No matter how far away the light gets, your heart’s voice will always reach it.”
Though Namine couldn’t take away Sora’s memory of Kairi, she could replace the heart that she came from. She was able to make Sora think that the friendship he had with Kairi was actually with Namine.
However, knowing that she couldn’t keep letting the organization use her, she told Sora the truth when they finally met, allowing him to remember that Kairi was the person he cared about and causing him to realize that he didn’t actually know Namine until he arrived at Castle Oblivion.
4 “In Your Heart There Is Darkness, And In That Darkness Is Ansem…”

Full quote: “In your heart there is darkness, and in that darkness is Ansem. He may be at bay for now- but eventually, he’ll wake, and he will take over you just like he did before. But I have powers you can use. With my powers, I can put a tight lock on your heart. That way, Ansem could never come out from inside you.”
In the original game, Riku was possessed by Ansem the Seeker of Darkness, who continued to haunt him throughout Chain of Memories. At the end of that game, he met Namine. She offered to set him free from the power Ansem had over him, though she didn’t actually want him to accept. Luckily, Riku didn’t as he wanted to continue being the person he was and take his own path where he could fight with both light and darkness.
3 “One Day The Light- It Will Be Ours, And It Will Bring Us Together. Til Then- I’ll Be In Your Heart.”

Though Riku rejected the deal that Namine made him with, she had offered another to Sora and he accepted it. He had to decide whether to keep the memories he was given in Castle Oblivion or remember the truth, and he decided to gain back his real memories. In order to do so, he had to sleep in a pod for almost a year as Namine reconstructed his memories, as well as the memories of Donald and Goofy as she had also made them forget nearly everything they knew. When Sora went into the pod, he spoke to Namine one last time. These were the last words he would hear until he woke up.
2 “If You Return Your Memories To Him, Then You Will Disappear…”

Full quote: “If you return your memories to him, then you will disappear. In exchange for not having your own memory, you’re connected through other’s memories. So when you disappear, no one will remember you. There won’t be any ‘you’ to remember. For all the powers I possess, I can’t keep even one piece of the memory called ‘you’ connected.”
In order for Sora’s memories to be restored, Roxas and Xion had to join him again. When Roxas joined the organization, a replica was created so that they could have two keyblade wielders. This replica was Xion, the fourteenth member of Organization XIII. Sora’s memories accidentally went inside of Roxas and Xion. Xion was the first of the two to learn about this and she decided to help Namine save Sora. However, the price of doing so was that she was forgotten by everyone that knew her.
1 “At Times, The Pain Can Be Wiped Away. But There’s Also A Pain That Always Stays With You…”

Full quote: “At times, the pain can be wiped away. But there’s also a pain that always stays with you. There’s only one way to deal with that: you face it head-on and then you accept it. And if it happens that the hurt is too great for you to bear it alone, well, then you turn to a friend close to your heart.”
These inspiring words were spoken by Namine at the end of Coded to King Mickey and Data Sora. When she reconstructed the real Sora’s memories, she found people connected to him that needed to be saved. She sent a mysterious message to Jiminy’s journal, causing the heroes to go on an adventure to find out what was going on, and learned that there was so much more for them to do. In Kingdom Hearts III, everyone that needed help returned, including Namine.

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