Although still not officially announced, it is likely that Insomniac is hard at work on the sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man, which released back in 2018 to huge critical acclaim. A good portion of Spidey’s most iconic foes made an appearance in the original game, but there are still plenty more to be feature going forward. From Green Goblin to the Sandman, there is no shortage of options to be found within the wall crawler’s rogues gallery. However, this is arguably one villain in particular that would climb to the top of any fans most wanted list.
The lethal adversary Venom is easily among the most popular Spider-Man villains, and has been featured significantly in the comics, television shows, and video games since his first appearance in the late 1980s. In true Marvel fashion, the after credits scenes for Marvel’s Spider-Man and its sequel both make reference to a strange black goo concealed in a large tank within an Oscorp facility. It is yet to be confirmed exactly what this substance is, but based on its appearance, many players feel confident in assuming it is a Symbiote. While it seems likely this is the case, fans simultaneously awaiting Venom to appear in the sequel would be wise to keep expectations under control.

In the comic books, the Symbiote suit provided Peter with enhancements to his already amazing, spectacular spider powers. He could jump higher, swing faster, and lift heavier objects that would have once been a struggle. The downside to this new power was that the suit had a mind of its own, and was slowly twisting Peter’s own mind and sense of morality, changing him into someone he wasn’t. This has been depicted multiple times in media and would be a welcome addition to Peter’s character arc in Insomniac’s own interpretation.
Peter has been through a rollercoaster of emotions and turmoil in just the first game alone. He lost his Aunt May, was let down by his idol Otto Octavius, and discovered that Harry Osborn, his friend long presumed dead, is in fact alive. It’s a lot for anyone to take in, even a high flying superhero like Spider-Man. Including the Symbiote suit storyline at this point for Peter would be a smart move, adding an extra layer of both physical and emotional struggle as he tries to cope with the devastating string of heartbreaks as of late. This can make way for a deeper, more impactful tale to compliment the high flying thrills of playing as the web slinger.

As great as it would be to take on Venom in the sequel, including him on top of establishing the Symbiote properly as an entity may result in the game feeling overstuffed. Not only would the narrative need to place ample time on Peter’s bond with the Symbiote and the damage it causes to him, it would also need to setup up Eddie Brock, the man underneath the monster that is Venom. Considering this would all still need to fit within roughly 20 hours like the original Marvel’s Spider-Man, while also balancing other villains and subplots, that may be biting off more than can be chewed. This isn’t to say its completely impossible, but there is the risk of there only being enough room for Venom in the final chunk of the experience, similar to his inclusion in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3.
Even though fans would welcome the addition, there is no rush in including fan favorites like Venom if it just doesn’t naturally work within the game. This franchise is still early in its life, having only released two installments so far with no sign of slowing down thanks to Marvel’s Spider-Man raking in incredibly successful sales numbers. Once the new Symbiote is properly established, then it will be time for Venom and his enormously sharp teeth to shine.
Marvel’s Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales are available now on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. A sequel has yet to be officially announced.

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