Valheim’s Most Impressive Mods to Date | Game Rant

It is an understatement to say that Valheim is a breakout success. The game is currently without any competition as Steam’s most popular game. Surprising even its own developers, the game sits at over 5 million players, thanks to some incredible lighting, terrifying enemies, and mysterious lore. Players gather materials, build the most incredible structures, and generally have a brilliant time in this humble little title. Titles like Valheim are perfect examples of Steam’s Early Access working as intended: a tiny project that skyrocketed to success due to the merit of its design and Steam’s platform.

Thanks to communicative developers and a passionate fanbase, Valheim sustains it popularity with ease. As part of this popularity, the community around the title is also very close-knit. From crack teams of item recovery heroes to a huge collection of Valheim memes, the game’s community has it all.  Consequently, a new player in Valheim immediately has a lot of support. This support does not just come from the fandom, however. A small but incredibly dedicated set of mod creators are working to enhance the game that fans already love so much.

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While Valheim’s 2021 roadmap looks promising, the upcoming content is still quite far off. So, if players are looking to diversify the game while waiting for the next update, mods are a natural way of changing up the title. Some of the most impressive Valheim mods include changes to the game’s perspective, inventory system, quest system, and even add the entirety of Tamriel to the game. The ambition of these mods is particularly impressive considering the game only released a scant few months ago. If any players are looking to add a little extra to their experience of the indie game, then these mods are a great place to start.

One of the most radical shifts that can be made to a game is changing its perspective. Switching up from a third person viewpoint to a direct, first person perspective makes the game more involved, more immersive, and much more terrifying. Valheim’s trolls are already intimidating, but looking up to the impending club strike from a tiny Viking’s eyes makes them all the more imposing. In general, this modification to the usual, more detached perspective of the game makes the experience incredibly tense.

Visually, the game bears a lot of similarities to a low-resolution Skyrim. In many ways, Valheim accomplishes what later DLC from Skyrim tried to do. The Hearthfire expansion of Skyrim granted players the ability to create their own homesteads. With the next Valheim update Hearth and Home promising some more robust building, the process could feel much more personal with a new first person angle.

The new shift does cause a few texture issues, and the lower resolution textures of the title can be a touch jarring in first person. Valheim’s first person mod does put players closer to these textures, but the effect is not too off-putting. The game is particularly evocative of earlier Elder Scrolls titles, with an equally interesting lore and a much more robust set of survival mechanics. If prospective players are put off by the lower fidelity textures, then a mod than can be paired with the first person upgrade is one that remasters all of the game’s textures.

A recent upload to the Nexus Mods is “Coco’s Texture Pack”. This Valheim Texture mod overhauls hundreds of textures in the game, adding huge amounts of detail to the gorgeous overworld. While the game normally looks great thanks to a finely-tuned lighting engine, this mod makes it even better. Rather than the lo-fi, slightly shiny textures of vanilla Valheim, the mod populates each texture with a high quality, almost painterly level of intricacy. This does make the visuals a touch more busy, but generally increases the level of realism in the game’s aesthetics.

RELATED: Valheim: How To Install Mods

One of the central draws of Valheim is exploration. The best biomes in Valheim are absolutely transformed by this mod. An entirely new experience of the game reveals itself with this mod. Walking through the Meadows is now one filled with wonder as the wind blows the newly illustrated environment. Not just content with reimagining the environment, “Coco’s Texture Pack” also recreates some of the game’s iconic monsters. Trolls are now gnarled, scaly monsters, skin rougher than the newly rendered tree bark in the forests they rampage through.

One of the chief Valheim improvements that fans have asked for is better inventory management. While deciding exactly what is needed for any given adventure is an important part of survival mechanics, Valheim’s inventory system often leaves fans frustrated. Both the limited amount of slots and complete lack of sorting system is a constant source of criticism. Being able to properly sort inventory slots would save literally millions of players an awful lot of time.

As such, the Valheim inventory mod is an essential addition for some players. What it does is add two relatively simple, but utterly game-changing mechanics to the inventory. Firstly, there are now separate inventory slots for armour, cloaks, and equipment. Alongside that, the mod provides “quick slots” that players can add frequently used items to. This allows for potions, food, and types of mead to be swiftly accessed in the middle of a battle if needed.

Bored of waiting for the Elder Scrolls 6? The Valheim mod community has this area covered. One plucky mod creator has mapped out the entirety of Bethesda’s Tamriel into Iron Gate’s Viking survival simulator. This mod allows Nord to meet Norse as the iconic landmasses visited throughout the Elder Scrolls series come to Valheim. While not a 1:1 recreation of the environment, an incredible amount of work went into putting Tamriel in Valheim. Mod authors are still working to add more islands and orbiting lands to this particular mod. Unlike other in-game creations of Elder Scrolls cities, this mod takes an entire reworking of the game to achieve its worldwide scale.

Valheim is available on PC.

MORE: Valheim Weapon Tier List


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