ZTE and China Mobile Jointly Complete Automatic SPN Service Provisioning Pilot

PRESS RELEASE: ZTE Corporation and the Zhejiang Branch of China Mobile have completed the automatic service provisioning pilot in the existing SPN (Slicing Packet Network) in Zhejiang, China.

As the SPN and AI technologies witness rapid development and maturity, the Network Operation Center of China Mobile in Zhejiang teams up with the equipment vendors, like ZTE, to launch the innovative pilot of automatic path calculation and service provisioning based on the 5G Super Controller (SC) layer. Furthermore, the pilot project complies with China Mobile’s OMC System Northbound Interface Data Specifications.

ZTE provides its ZENIC ONE (UME) intelligent management, control and analysis system to implement quick and precise service configuration data distribution by virtue of its centralized automatic path calculation capabilities. With the system, the electronic work orders can be automatically distributed by the integrated resource management system to the ZENIC ONE system, thereby achieving automatic service configurations.

The pilot data on the existing network shows that ZTE’s ZENIC ONE (UME) intelligent management, control and analysis system is fully compatible with the third-party SC, remarkably shortening the 5G transport service provisioning time by over 80%, avoiding manual configuration errors and strengthening the security and reliability of the provisioning process.

In addition, the automatic SPN service provisioning system can also integrate resource management, scheduling, network management, and equipment into an entire automatic process.

With the advent of the 5G intelligent O&M era, it is one of major goals of the current intelligent network to hand over simple and repetitive tasks to machines, and then set O&M personnel free from tedious work, further improving O&M efficiency and strengthening network stability and reliability. Moving forward, ZTE will continue collaborating with its customers to make the network more efficient and intelligent.


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