从普通消费者到全球各大制造商,延误、产品短缺和成本上升都为他们带来新困扰。如果“供应链大混乱”带来的短缺持续到明年,有可能推动大宗商品价格上涨。 Tim Gruber for The New York Times 科尔丝藤·杰斯达尔已放弃了为她在南达科他州布鲁金斯市的厨房用品店订购某些货物,因为她已厌倦了总告诉顾客她不知道什么时候到货。 …
Google this week announced the beta release of Chrome 94, the next update to Google’s desktop web browser. In addition to general improvements, the update also adds support for the new WebGPU API, which comes to replace WebGL and can even access…
Samsung’s new smartwatches can be used for two-way voice communication with Samsung’s WalkieTalkie app. This app is exclusive to Samsung’s new Galaxy Watch4 and Watch4 Classic and can only be used to communicate between these wearables. Samsung’s Tize…