月份: 2021 年 8 月
Google made those quick settings tiles huge, so here’s how to arrange them
One of the things we like about the best Android phones is the quick settings. Android 12 really emphasized those tiles, making them significantly larger and easier to manage on your phone. They’re also easy to edit and customize in terms of layout and order.
Quick settings can give you access to system functions, like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, or they can access phone functionality like flashlight or screen recording. From toggling do not disturb to airplane mode to focus mode (and other digital well-being modes), quick settings make it quick and easy to settle into your rhythm or to change your phone settings for the moment. Whatever the case, the layout will be important, so we’ll show you how to set that up.
How to customize quick settings tiles in Android 12
It’s easy to organize your quick settings tiles.
Swipe down your notification panel twice, so it’s fully open.
Tap the pencil icon in the bottom left corner
Tap and hold on to any quick setting tile you want to move and drag…
Yes, you can actually return a Kindle book that you don’t like. Here’s how.
While it may feel weird or disingenuous to “return” an e-book and ask for a refund (particularly after you’ve read some, or all, of it), it is totally legitimate and easy to do. Alternatively, you might have accidentally purchased a Kindle book and need to get your money back. Regardless of the reason, the process to request a refund is quick and straightforward and only takes a few taps or clicks once you’ve logged into your Amazon account. Next, we’ll show you how to get a refund on an Amazon Kindle book purchase.
How to get a refund for a Kindle book purchase from your Kindle device
From the Kindle home screen, tap on a book you want to purchase.
Tap on the Buy button.
Once the purchase has been confirmed, you’ll see the option to cancel the order. Tap on the Cancel Order link.
The download will be stopped or removed, and a refund will be added to your account.
It’s worth noting that you can only cancel an order from a Kindle device immediately after you purchased it. If…