Everybody loves to talk about video game visuals. Graphics cards, high refresh rate displays, resolution… and, yeah, they’re all important. But just as important as sight is sound – and we think it’s absolutely vital that you have the right audio setup for the best gaming experience.
While we all love a good speaker, sound bar, or surround sound setup, it’s fair to say that a lot of video gaming happens in the confines of a headset. They work for online play and communication, and of course for late-night sessions where you don’t want to wake your neighbours, family, or housemates. They’re vital. That’s where this page comes in; over time, we’re going to test as many gaming headsets as we can and list some of our piks for ones that are worth your time and – more importantly – money.
Rather than do separate ‘best headset’ guides for every single platform, we’re instead going to test broadly – and we note in the mini review text for each headset which platforms it’s compatible with. That means on this page you’ll find headset suggestions for PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch, and even mobile compatibility. Many headsets are cross-compatible across multiple platforms, ideal for the multi-console household.
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