Video Games Stuck In Development Hell: Part 1

Video games are incredibly hard to make. Be it the cost to create them, the staff needed to actually develop a game, or something else behind the scenes, a lot can happen to take it off course. While it’s sad for players, developers know best what their game needs, and time is almost always something developers could use more of. Sometimes, though, time can’t fix everything, and in those cases, games can find themselves stuck in what’s known informally as “development hell.” 

This is a term used to describe games seemingly stuck in development forever. No matter what those development teams do, more and more barriers get in the way, and all of a sudden, a game misses its release date by a couple of months, then a year, then multiple years, and in some unfortunate cases, we just don’t ever hear about the game ever again. Here are five games stuck in development hell.

Part 1 of 3 in Game Informer’s series detailing games that might be stuck in development hell.


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