Oppo joins mobile 3D gaming effort

Oppo made a push to bolster gaming capabilities on its mobile devices by becoming a member of the Open 3D Foundation (O3DF), a group which promotes cooperation among graphics developers to advance the segment.

In a statement, Oppo explained as an O3DF member it will contribute to the development and adaptation of 3D graphics technology for mobile devices, as well as boost performance by working with other industry leaders.

A unit of the non-profit Linux Foundation, O3DF was founded in 2021 to pool resources of developers and support open-source projects in 3D graphics, rendering and gaming development.

Its flagship project is the Open 3D Engine, a cross platform, open source engine capable of powering “cinema quality 3D worlds” and premium games that have a big name publisher and large budgets.

Working group
Oppo joins more than 25 “leading technology companies” in the O3DF including Amazon Web Services, Intel and Microsoft, and will actively participate on the foundation’s board, technical advisory committee and join a device-focused working group.

Hansen Hong, director of Oppo software technology planning, believes 3D graphics has become an “essential element of modern society”, with applications including visual effects, gaming, medical imaging and next-generation content like the metaverse.

“Together with the mobile device working group, we will bring smoother and more user-friendly mobile development experiences” alongside “generating more efficient yet immersive and realistic rendering applications for mobile users”.


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