We’re seeing games set in outer space make a comeback harder than ever lately, but what about the survival horror genre? A subgenre of horror that, without a doubt, thrived throughout the late nineties and early noughties with the likes of the Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Clock Tower series paving the way. But is Xbox Game Pass home to any must-play games in the genre?
This particular subgenre has suffered a little since. We saw Silent Hill become something that doesn’t even feel like Silent Hill anymore, and Resident Evil descended into action more so than horror. That said, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard re-established the Resident Evil series in 2017, and we’ll even be getting a Resident Evil 4 Remake early next year. Maybe, just maybe, even Silent Hill will do the same with the upcoming Silent Hill 2 Remake.
With all that in mind, survival horror fans are certainly not going hungry at the moment, and while we await the resurgence of these classics, Xbox Game Pass hosts a feast. One key game, arguably the main course of said feast (or maybe a starter if you like The Evil Within 2, or Dead Space), is Signalis. This debut indie game from Rose-Engine arrived on Xbox Game Pass on October 27, and what a tantalising treat it was, just in time for Halloween.

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