Announcing the 2023 PSF Board Election Results!


It was a really lively and engaged election process for the PSF Board
this year! First of all, we want to thank everyone who ran and was
willing to serve on the PSF Board. Even if you were not elected, we
appreciate all the time and effort you put into thinking about how to
make the PSF better and how to represent the parts of the community that
you participate in. We hope that you will continue to think about these
issues and share your ideas.

Congratulations to our five new Board members-elect! 

  • Cheuk Ting Ho
  • Denny Perez
  • Georgi Ker
  • Christopher Neugebauer
  • KwonHan Bae *

be in touch with all the elected candidates next week to schedule
onboarding. * The fifth person is being invited to serve for a year to
fill the off-cycle vacancy left by Joannah Nanjekye, who stepped down
from the Board.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank
our outgoing board members for their outstanding service; Dustin Ingram,
Joannah Nanjekye, Jeff Triplett, Thomas Wouters and Nina Zakharenko.
They served on the PSF Board through a particularly eventful time;
helping us to navigate the global pandemic, rework PyCon US into a
virtual event and hire a new Executive Director. Thank you for
supporting the PSF and the Python community through so much change!

heartfelt thanks go out to each of you who took the time to review the
candidates and submit your votes. Your participation helps the PSF
represent our community. We received 621 total votes, which easily
reached quorum–1/3 of affirmed voting members (877). We’re especially
grateful for your patience with navigating the changes to the voting
process, which ultimately allowed for a valid election and a more
sustainable elections system.

I also want to thank everyone who helped promote this year’s board election, especially Python Community News
who took the initiative to cover this year’s election and produced
informational videos from each candidate. I also want to highlight the
PSF staff members who made some changes to our membership management on
the back-end this year, enabling us to affirm voting intention for the
first time ever and setting up OpaVote. Thanks to Ee Durbin and Joe

Finally, it might feel a little early to mention this, but
we will have four seats open again next year. If you’re interested in
running or learning more, we encourage you to reach out to a current
board member or two this year and ask them about serving.


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