Textual Apps Coming to a Website Near You

Textual is an amazing Python package for creating Text-Based User Interfaces (TUIs) in Python. You can learn more in An Intro to Textual – Creating Text User Interfaces with Python.

However, Textual isn’t only about creating user interfaces for your terminal. The Textual team is also making Textual for the web! Textual Cloud Service will allow developers to run their terminal GUIs in web applications.

When creating a Textual-based web application, you will use a Textual Agent. These agents can be configured to serve single or multiple textual apps using a TCP/IP connection to a cloud service that supports the Websocket protocol.

According to the Textual Cloud Service documentation, the benefits of using their service are as follows:

  • Works over proxies – The websocket protocol is designed to cooperate with network infrastructure such as proxies.
  • Bypasses firewalls – Firewalls are generally configured to allow outgoing TCP/IP connections.
  • Encrypted – Connections are encrypted with industry standards.
  • Compressed – Data is compressed on the fly.

Keep an eye on the Textual product so you know when this new feature goes live!

Related Reading


The post Textual Apps Coming to a Website Near You appeared first on Mouse Vs Python.


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