1. Spring and Java
>> Spring AI Provides Integration with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI [infoq.com]
Content generation, code generation, semantic search, and summarization, are all provided by Spring AI. Interesting.
>> This is the Beginning of the End of the N+1 Problem: Introducing Single Query Loading. [spring.io]
Loading arbitrary aggregates with a single select statement using Single Query Loading in Spring Data JDBC.
>> PostgreSQL JDBC Statement Caching [vladmihalcea.com]
And performance optimization of our data access layer by configuring Statement Caching in the Postgres JDBC driver. Good stuff, as always.
Also worth reading:
- >> Virtual Threads and Parallel Streams [javaspecialists.eu]
- >> Spring 6.1 – RestClient [foojay.io]
- >> Jakarta EE 11 is Shaping Up! [agilejava.eu]
- >> Spring Modulith 1.0 Gains Production-Readiness, IDE Support and Improved Testability [infoq.com]
- >> MicroStream Debuts Eclipse Store Java Persistence Framework at Eclipse Foundation [infoq.com]
- >> Streamlining Code with Unnamed Patterns/Variables: A Comparative Study of Java, Kotlin, and Scala [infoq.com]
- >> Configuring Spring Boot to Build a Docker Image with Azul Zulu and Debug Options [foojay.io]
- >> JDK 21 and JDK 22: What We Know So Far [infoq.com]
- >> Filtering JUnit 5 Tests With Maven and Gradle [petrikainulainen.net]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> JVMLS – Fast JVM Startup with Checkpoint & Restore [inside.java]
- >> Java 21 new feature: Virtual Threads #RoadTo21 [inside.java]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Security and Kubernetes legend Daniel Garnier-Moiroux [spring.io]
- >> Java 21 JVM and GC Improvements #RoadTo21 [inside.java]
- >> JVMLS – Everything You Never Wanted to Know about Java Class Initialization [inside.java]
- >> JVMLS – Value Objects in Valhalla [inside.java]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Hibernate 6.3.0 (and 6.2.8) [in.relation.to]
- >> Hibernate Reactive 2.0.5.Final released [in.relation.to]
- >> Quarkus 3.3.1.Final Released [quarkus.io]
- >> Eclipse Jetty 12.0.1 Released [eclipse.org]
- >> Eclipse Vert.x 4.4.5 Released [eclipse.org]
- >> Apache Maven 3.9.4 Released [apache.org]
- >> Micronaut Core 4.1.3 Released [micronaut.io]
2. Technical & Musings
>> Zero Configuration Service Mesh with On-Demand Cluster Discovery [netflixtechblog.com]
Netflix’s journey to service mesh: a bit of history on IPC and the path to Service Mesh using Envoy.
>> Farewell EC2-Classic, it’s been swell [allthingsdistributed.com]
EOF for EC2 classic: how it started, what makes it classic, and why shutting down an industry-shaping service. RIP.
Also worth reading:
- >> We’re Living in a Passwordless World [developer.okta.com]
- >> Three Key Elements to Incorporate into Your Flaky Test Remediation Approach [foojay.io]
- >> Writing Testable Code: A Journey Through Consideration and Refactoring [foojay.io]
- >> Event transformations, a tool to keep our processes loosely coupled [event-driven.io]
- >> Anticorruption Principles For Public Sector Information Systems [techblog.bozho.net]
- >> Code Formatting with Ktlint [reflectoring.io]
- >> Revealing Intent: A Tiny Example [blog.thecodewhisperer.com]
3. Pick of the Week
>> HTML over the wire [signalvnoise.com]
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