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How to Annotate a Graph with Matplotlib and Python

13 5 月, 2024 Mike 0

The Matplotlib package is great for visualizing data. One of its many features is the ability to annotate points on your graph. You can use annotations to explain why a particular data point is significant or interesting. If you haven’t used Matplotlib before, you should check out my introductory article, Matplotlib – An Intro to […]

The post How to Annotate a Graph with Matplotlib and Python appeared first on Mouse Vs Python.

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Ruff – The Fastest Python Linter and Formatter Just Got Faster!

11 5 月, 2024 Mike 0

I’m a little late in reporting on this topic, but Ruff put out an update in April 2024 that includes a hand-written recursive descent parser. This update is in version 0.4.0 and newer. Ruff’s new parser is >2x faster, translating to a 20-40% speedup for all linting and formatting invocations. Ruff’s announcement includes some statistics […]

The post Ruff – The Fastest Python Linter and Formatter Just Got Faster! appeared first on Mouse Vs Python.

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One Week Left for Python Logging Book / Course Kickstarter

10 5 月, 2024 Mike 0

My latest Python book campaign is ending in less than a week. This book is about Python’s logging module. I also include two chapters that discuss structlog and loguru. Support on Kickstarter  Why Back A Kickstarter? The reason to back the Kickstarter is that I have exclusive perks there that you cannot get outside of […]

The post One Week Left for Python Logging Book / Course Kickstarter appeared first on Mouse Vs Python.

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9 5 月, 2024 亞小安 0


《英雄聯盟》季中賽今日進入小組賽第 3 天,由 PCS 的代表 PSG 對上 LPL 的第一種子 BLG,在 PSG 沒人看好的情況下,力戰 5 盤後以 3:2 惜敗,落入敗部。
一如 Maple 一開始在賽前影片所說,這次 PSG 將勇於和 BLG 對戰。第一場 BLG 就展現問鼎 MSI 冠軍的氣勢,但 PSG 也有在其他線路回應,不過 14 分鐘在上下路同時被打出 0 換 5, BLG 成功滾起雪球,25 分鐘就收下比賽。