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JFrog to Shut Down JCenter and Bintray

4 2 月, 2021 Alex Blewitt 0

JFrog has announced that it is shutting down the Bintray asset hosting service, which includes the JCenter Java repository, often used by Gradle and Android builds.

Uploads to Bintray will be blocked at the end of the month, and assets will be unava…

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Five Years of Lets Encrypt

3 12 月, 2020 Alex Blewitt 0

Five years ago, a non-profit organisation set up a public certificate authority, with the intent of enabling websites to become more secure by default through automated provisioning of TLS certificates.

Five years later, and Lets Encrypt is putting …

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NHSx Covid-19 App on Trial

11 5 月, 2020 Alex Blewitt 0

The NHSx mobile application for tracking Covid-19 has been released for a trial on the Isle of Wight, but problems with the implementation and reliability mean that the app might be outdated before it achieves herd immunity. InfoQ looks at the source c…