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Learn essential skills from Ivy League professors and Nobel Prize winners with this app

23 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

To be the best, you have to learn from the best. You can’t expect to be great at something purely by self-guidance—we all need a bit of a push and some pieces of priceless wisdom from people who are experts in their field. And you might think that you can only get expert instruction from learning institutions, but there is now a platform that boasts an almost bottomless library of video lessons straight from the pros.
Enter: Big Think Edge. Ideal for aspiring entrepreneurs and anyone needing inspiration for their next big idea, the series of lessons included in the platform are created by educators and taught by world-class experts, including Malcolm Gladwell, Ariana Huffington, and Elon Musk (don’t worry, he won’t dispense advice on how to name children).
Here’s a sneak peek:

Trusted by the world’s most recognized future-thinking companies like Pfizer, Citi, and Disney, the video lessons included in the collection will equip you with the most important skills of the 21st century….

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This $40 Bundle Can Help You Start a Lucrative Career as a White Hat Hacker

22 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

In these uncertain times, finding a secure job is a priority for everyone. While many well-paid careers require college degrees, white hat hacking is open to just about anyone. These cybersecurity experts are paid good money to find the weaknesses in networks, and there is a huge demand for new talent. The Ultimate 2020 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle helps you get started in this field, with 98 hours of training working towards top exams. You can get it now for just $39.90.
According to industry experts, there will be around 3.5 million vacant jobs in cybersecurity by next year. As a result of this shortfall, many companies are willing to offer six-figure salaries to certified experts.
This bundle helps you break into the lucrative world of cybersecurity. Through 10 courses, you learn about all the most common attacks used by malicious hackers — from SQL code injection to botnets. The training also looks at penetration testing, password analysis, and other key skills.

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This $40 Course Bundle Can Help You Build a Profitable YouTube Channel

21 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

While everyone is stuck at home, many YouTube channels are seeing higher viewing figures than ever before. If you have considered becoming a professional video maker, now is the time to act. The Complete Content Creator Bundle for YouTube helps you get started, with 10 courses from top instructors. It’s worth $1,592, but you can get the training now for just $39.99.
YouTube has always been a great place to build an audience or promote a brand. But to make a mark, you need to understand the fundamentals of filmmaking and how to promote your content. This bundle provides the perfect introduction with 50 hours of instruction.
Along the way, you learn how to edit videos with Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Camtasia. You also learn how to optimize your videos for search, take advantage of YouTube recommendations, and monetize your content through sponsorship. The training even looks at how you can turn YouTube into a sales funnel for your service or product.
You’ll l…

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Learn the ins and outs of Wall Street and trading with this 8-pronged bundle

18 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

Just because you’re not some hotshot Wall Street dude doesn’t mean you can’t already rake in tons of revenue from trading in the U.S. market. Just take it from the recently viral Redditor who turned a small investment into a million-dollar gain overnight, as well as Travis Rose, a self-taught trader and investor who put together a set of courses to help aspiring traders find success in the stock market just like him.
If that happens to be you, you can learn everything there is to know about trading in the Wall Street Survival & Stock Trading Guide Bundle currently on sale.
This bundle features 13 hours of premium instruction, spread across eight courses that are easy to follow and understand. You begin by learning how the stock market works and setting up your very own investing account. Once you’ve got all the basics down, you’ll move on to more advanced concepts that can help you become a successful trader.
You’ll learn how to create a trading plan to minimize your risks, pr…

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Becoming a better writer can help you in many facets of life—this bundle is designed to turn you into one

16 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

Everyone can write, but not everyone is capable of writing well. Even if you’re not a professional writer or plan on ever being one, having superior writing skills can benefit various facets of your life. From writing an email to your boss as to how you deserve a promotion or putting together a Craigslist ad and enticing people to buy your old cabinet, having the proficiency to weave compelling and powerful words together can take you places.
If you want to step up your wordsmithing game, the Ultimate Creative Writing Course Bundle can shape you to be a better writer. It contains 10 courses, all of which are taught by the Centre of Excellence, an online training provider recognized worldwide. The training collection will expose you to just about any type of writing, from travel writing to novel writing to writing books for children and even calligraphy. 
Should you want to transition to a freelance writing role sometime in the future, this bundle also features courses on proofrea…

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This 300-lesson bundle will turn you into a certified Excel master

11 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

If you want to excel in life, you need to learn Excel. No, seriously. That may seem like a bold statement to make, but mastering how to use the spreadsheet app pays off. For one, it can help you land a fatter paycheck or even a promotion. For another, it can turn you into a productivity machine, as proficiency in Excel also means you can be adept in analyzing data, building charts, accounting, and so much more.
Then again, given that Excel is a complex program, you may be stumped as to how to navigate it, especially if you’re not too familiar with it. Luckily, you can get the training you need from eLearnExcel: The 2020 Excel Certification School Bundle, which features 60 hours of premium training designed to turn you into a data master.
To the uninitiated, eLearnExcel is the International Academy of Computer Training’s eLearning company specializing in the online training of Excel. It s used and trusted by the world’s leading companies, including Microsoft, Facebook, HSBC, and KPM…

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Work from home like a pro with this best-selling $40 bundle

9 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

There’s simply never been a better time to work from home. Thanks to the unexpected outbreak of the coronavirus and subsequent quarantine, millions of Americans have been forced to forgo their usual office routines and adapt to an entirely new approach to life—making this the ideal time to turn that business idea into a full-fledged reality.
Regardless of whether you’re just interested in making a little money on the side as part of a passive income or you’re looking to start the next Google or Facebook, the 2020 Ultimate Work From Home Starter Kit Bundle will give you the skills and tools you need in order to get started, and it’s available for over 95% off at just $39.99.
This 16-course bundle is packed with over 400 lessons that will introduce you to the essentials of everything from freelancing and copywriting to management and team building.
You’ll learn how to earn both passive and active incomes as a writer in a variety of mediums and genres, how to create captivating copy …

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Keep your hands germ-free with this multipurpose brass stylus

8 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

You no longer need to be an obsessive germaphobe in order to understand and appreciate the importance of good hygiene. Thanks to the unexpected outbreak of the coronavirus, the entire country has been forced to remain extremely vigilant when it comes to going outside and interacting with the world, and washing your hands twelve times a day can only go so far if you’re constantly touching surfaces that have been potentially infected.
The Safe Touch N Go: Contact-Less Keychain Tool will help keep you and your family safe by drastically reducing the amount of contact you have with everything from doors and buttons to countertops and ATM machines, and right now it’s on sale for over 65% off at just $19.99.
This simple tool is made from naturally antimicrobial brass that eliminates up to 99.9% of the germs and pathogens it comes into contact with—allowing you to stay germ-free when you’re forced to go outdoors.
With an ergonomic hook design that also doubles as a useful keychain, the…

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Master Amazon Web Services and boost your earning potential for just $35

1 5 月, 2020 Android Central 0

If you’re like most, chances are you’re stuck at home with more time on your hands than you’re used to. Between socially distanced trips to the grocery store and wiping down all the furniture in your house again, hopefully you are making considerations for what you will do when the threat of COVID-19 passes. If you were laid off, will you be prepared to get back out into the working world? Will you be as hirable as possible? Why not take advantage of this time and bolster your resume with a fascinating new technical skill?
Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is Amazon’s own cloud services platform, which provides everything from virtual servers to scalable storage to millions of customers around the world. With industry titans like Intuit and GE counting on AWS, it’s safe to say knowing AWS can take you far professionally.
If you want to start working with AWS, consider the All-Level AWS Cloud Professional Bootcamp. With 32 hours of in-depth instruction spread across 6 courses, this bootcam…

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Upgrade your work-from-home setup with these HP deals

27 4 月, 2020 Android Central 0

Working from home has just taken on an entirely new and world-changing meaning. As a growing number of companies across the country are shutting their doors and altering their business models, millions of workers have found themselves setting up shop in their living rooms for the foreseeable future.
That once-humble home office setup that was up until recently only used for the occasional evening email has now been transformed into an all-out 9-5 work bunker, and it looks as though this is going to be the new normal for most workers in a variety of industries.
And while it’s tempting to bemoan the loss of your high-speed office internet connection and that fancy HD monitor that remains untouched in your walled-off corporate office, you should instead take advantage of this unprecedented work-life shakeup by upgrading your home office to the point where you’ll never want to leave.
From now until May 3rd, HP is making it easier than ever to work from home by allowing you to pick from …