Java Weekly, Issue 406
ZGC is even better in Java 17, faster Maven builds, BGP and Facebook, pattern matching future, and economy of code ownership! >>>
ZGC is even better in Java 17, faster Maven builds, BGP and Facebook, pattern matching future, and economy of code ownership! >>>
Spring configurations, Java 18 snippets, Spring 6, Micronaut 3.0, Netflix’s media packaging, and atomic habits for software engineers! >>>
GC improvements in Java 17, better Foreign Memory API, Spring Boot scheduling, javac Trees, A/B testing at Netflix, and more from K8S 1.22. >>>
Java 17 is released, more LTS versions for Java, Java modules, Spring without annotation, Netflix’s API Gateway, and exotic timezones! >>>
Ready for Java 17? Spring baselining on Java 17, migration tips, and IntelliJ support. Also, more efficient gRPC, 10 years of Kotlin, and simplifying hard tasks! >>>
Plans for Spring 6.0, structured logging, subtleties of soft-deletion in Hibernate, event-sourcing at Netflix, GCToolkit from Microsoft, and beautiful Powershell! >>>
Micronaut 3 is released, Spring IoC, source code snippets in Java 18, panache repository pattern, filtering out syscalls in K8S, and climate change! >>>
A cool interview with Java architects, Vector API, getting the most out of Hibernate, K8S with more windows, and continuous configuration with AWS! >>>
Java 16 new features, reflection meets method handles, active record panache, gateway pattern, and swapping in K8S. >>>
The post Java Weekly, Issue 398 first appeared on Baeldung.
Project Loom vs Reactive Programming, GraalVM improvements, Spring Data Projections, feature parity pattern, and a new K8S release! >>>
The post Java Weekly, Issue 397 first appeared on Baeldung.
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