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Eero: Why you should upgrade your router before changing your ISP plan

28 1 月, 2021 Christian de Looper 0

Wish you had faster internet? Don’t we all. But there are a few things that could be limiting your internet speeds. You could simply need to subscribe to a faster internet plan, which would ensure that your internet service provider heightens your speeds, resulting in a faster connection. But your slow internet could also have to do with your router — and unless you’re certain that your router isn’t the issue, it’s a good place to start.

There are a few reasons to upgrade your router before you switch to a new plan with your ISP. Not convinced? Here are some of those reasons.

Taking advantage of everything your ISP can offer

Eero Pro 6

$229 at Amazon

Everything you need to get an incredible Wi-Fi signal

The Eero Pro 6 brings excellent internet coverage to your home, thanks to its improved range and features like tri-band support. With Wi-Fi 6 the router will allow you to fully take advantage of your internet speed.

The router your ISP sent is probably not great

You might…

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Why unplugging your router every month is actually good for your Wi-Fi

17 11 月, 2020 Christian de Looper 0

It would be easy to assume that once you’ve set up your internet router and networking tech, you can forget about it. But it turns out, there are a few easy things that you can do to ensure that your internet connection is as fast and reliable as possible. One of those things is to turn your router off, wait a few seconds, and turn it back on again — every could months.

That’s even true if you aren’t really experiencing any issues with your internet connectivity. Resetting your router can take care of a few issues under the hood that you might not even be aware of.

Here’s why.

The best of the best

Eero Pro 6

$229 at Amazon

Everything you need to get an incredible Wi-Fi signal

The Eero Pro 6 brings excellent internet coverage to your home, thanks to its improved range and features like tri-band support. With Wi-Fi 6 the router will allow you to fully take advantage of your internet speed.

Your router is a tiny computer

You probably don’t think of it like this, but your i…

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Mesh router vs. Wi-Fi extender: Which one should you buy?

17 11 月, 2020 Christian de Looper 0

Ensuring that your whole home has solid Wi-Fi coverage can be tricky at times, and there are a few different routes you could take to get that whole-home coverage. For example, you could expand what your current, basic router offers with a Wi-Fi extender. Or, you could get a mesh router like the new Eero 6 and Eero Pro 6, that comes with multiple access points and automatically connects you to the closest one.

There are pros and cons of each of those options — and one might be a better choice for your needs, depending on your setup and budget. To help you figure out whether to get a Wi-Fi extender or a mesh router, we’ve put together this guide.

Internet from the future

Eero Pro 6

$229 at Amazon

Everything you need for whole-home Wi-Fi

The Eero Pro 6 brings internet coverage to your entire home, with tri-band support and improved range. With support for Wi-Fi 6, tri-band the router will allow you to fully take advantage of your internet speed.

Pros and cons of Wi-Fi exten…

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Wi-Fi 101: Which is more important, your router or your modem?

17 11 月, 2020 Christian de Looper 0

There are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to achieve a great internet connection. Setting aside the fact that you need a decent plan from your internet service provider, you’ll also need a router, and a modem.

But what’s the difference between a router and a modem? And is one more important than the other? Here’s everything you need to know about an internet router and a modem.

An industry-leading router

Eero Pro 6

$229 at Amazon

Everything you need to get an incredible Wi-Fi signal

The Eero Pro 6 brings excellent internet coverage to your home, thanks to its improved range and features like tri-band support. With Wi-Fi 6 the router will allow you to fully take advantage of your internet speed.

What’s a modem?

A modem is the first step in getting an internet connection from your internet service provider, or ISP, to your devices so that you can surf the web, browse social media, and so on. Let’s dive a little deeper.

The term modem comes from a combinati…

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6 things you need to think about before upgrading your router

17 11 月, 2020 Christian de Looper 0

There are plenty of reasons to buy a new router. From the fact that Wi-Fi 6 is now available, promising faster download speeds and more features, to the fact that you might have moved and need a router with more range, a good router can change your experience with Wi-Fi altogether.

Of course, it’s not quite as simple as headind down to Best Buy and simply picking up a router. There are a number of things to think about before you get a new router, such as how much range you need, what kind of download speeds you want, and what kinds of smart features you’ll take advantage of.

That, however, is why we’ve put together this guide. Here are 6 things you need to think about before upgrading your router.

A modern routing experience

Eero Pro 6

$229 at Amazon

Everything you need to get Wi-Fi throughout your home

The Eero Pro 6 brings internet coverage to your entire home, thanks to its tri-band support and improved range. With Wi-Fi 6 the router will allow you to fully take advantag…