Nobody likes dealing with phone calls, so here’s how to block them all
The best Android phones can do just about anything these days — did you know they can even make phone calls, but you probably want to learn how to block incoming calls, right? You’ve probably gotten your fair share of spam calls in the last few years, and many carriers are actively working to prevent spam and “robocalls” from happening, but some people don’t want to receive calls at all. Whether you use VoIP services, carry a work phone that only needs access to data, or prefer texting over calling, here’s how you can quickly disable all incoming calls from ringing your phone.
Get familiar with Do Not Disturb mode
Do Not Disturb has been available since the release of Android Marshmallow way back in 2015. This feature makes it so you can either temporarily (or permanently) disable notifications from coming through. With Do Not Disturb enabled, you can set various rules and schedules for your phone to follow, muting notifications for certain contacts, time periods, and more.
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