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Apex Legends Season 8 is totally demolishing Kings Canyon

22 1 月, 2021 Imogen Beckhelling 0

When Respawn said last week that the Apex Legends’ map Kings Canyon would be “obliterated” in Season 8, I thought perhaps this meant they were going to whack a giant crater somewhere and call it a day. After seeing the new Season 8 launch trailer, I think I wildly underestimated their resolve. Kings Canyon looks […]

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Cyberpunk 2077 mods let V use NPCs’ cool cyberware

22 1 月, 2021 Imogen Beckhelling 0

One of the things I was most disappointed with when I first started Cyberpunk 2077 was the lack of cool cybernetic implants and body modifications to choose from in the character creator. I’m not knocking the few shiny wires and lines we could choose to embed in V’s face, I think those are very good […]

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Trump permanently banned from Twitch

21 1 月, 2021 Imogen Beckhelling 0

Two weeks ago, Twitch announced they were suspending former US president Donald Trump from their platform, after he incited a violent attack on the US capitol. At the time, Twitch said they would “reassess” his account after his presidency ended. Well, now he’s been booted from the White House, Twitch have banned him for good […]

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Valorant map Split is no longer an attackers’ nightmare

21 1 月, 2021 Imogen Beckhelling 0

Do you ever play Valorant and just do a little sigh when you see what map has been picked from the pool for your next match? For me, that’s Split (and also Icebox actually, but this post isn’t about that freezy fiend). Split’s always been a tough one for attackers, with its annoyingly tight choke […]

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Valve and five publishers fined €7.8 million for geo-blocking Steam keys

20 1 月, 2021 Imogen Beckhelling 0

Update 21/01/2021: Valve have responded to the European Commission’s claims, saying they disagree with the Commission’s findings and the fine they’ve been issued. Read their full statement below. Original story from 20/01/2021. Valve and a handful of game publishers have landed themselves in hot water with the European Commision for geo-blocking Steam keys in certain […]