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Java 101: Java concurrency without the pain, Part 1

20 6 月, 2013 Jeff Friesen 0

With the increasingly complexity of concurrent applications, many developers find that Java’s low-level threading capabilities are insufficient to their programming needs. In that case, it might be time to discover the Java Concurrency Utilities. …

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Java 101: Java concurrency without the pain, Part 1

20 6 月, 2013 Jeff Friesen 0

With the increasingly complexity of concurrent applications, many developers find that Java’s low-level threading capabilities are insufficient to their programming needs. In that case, it might be time to discover the Java Concurrency Utilities. …

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Java 101: Packages organize classes and interfaces

6 9 月, 2002 Jeff Friesen 0

Why reinvent the wheel? That cliche applies to software development where some developers frequently rewrite the same code for different programs. Two disadvantages with that approach are:It wastes timeIt introduces the potential for bugs in debugg…