In April, WhatsApp rolled out an update with an improved media preview. Now, the app is testing a large preview when sharing links. According to the reliable WABetainfo, with WhatsApp beta for iOS available on TestFlight, all beta testers …
Twitter announced today that it’s testing a feature for users to report tweets that seem misleading. For now, this function will be available for some users in the US, South Korea, and Australia.
The post Twitter starts testing new …
Less than a week week after seeding watchOS 8 beta 5 to developers, Apple is releasing its sixth beta. Here’s everything new with the upcoming Apple Watch operating system.
The post Apple seeds watchOS 8 beta 6 to all developers appeared …
Tweetbot launched version 6.2 of its Twitter client with some major improvements and new features, such as Timeline Widgets support.
The post Tweetbot 6.2 updated with new Timeline Widgets, support for multiple windows on iPad, more appea…
Since Apple presented the new CSAM scan feature to protect children, the announcement has generated a lot of concerns and controversies about users’ privacy. Now, the Digital Agenda committee chief of the German parliament wants Apple to reconsi…
Update: Two days after start selling the 24-inch iMac as a refurbished product in the UK, US customers can also buy one of the new Macs at a lower price, up to $260 in discount here.
Four months after being released, the 24-inch iMac with M1 chip is n…
Every now and then, Apple changes the materials available for the Apple Watch. For the Apple Watch Series 7, what’s the finish you want the company to introduce? Which one do you intend to buy?
The post Poll: What materials do you w…
A few weeks ago, Apple introduced iOS 14.7.1 with a fix for Apple Watch unlock bug and addressed a security vulnerability that may have been actively exploited. Now, some iPhone users in this version are experiencing a “No Service” coverag…
Apple Card will start to change by 2027. Mastercard announced it’s “swiping left” on magnetic stripes after decades of supporting this technology. “The shift away from the magnetic stripe points to both consumers changing habit…
Apple Pay is further expanding, this time to Qatar. With QNB bank, the country joins a list of more than 60 regions supporting Apple’s own payment system. According to a support page by QNB, users with a credit, debit, or prepaid card can add th…