Dr Disrespect Twitch Ban Controversy is Far From Over | Game Rant 2 10 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 Although it has been quite some time since Dr. Disrespect was banned from Twitch, the controversy itself seems far from over.
New Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Character Looks a Lot Like Ezio 30 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 The first official Hidden One introduced for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla bears a striking resemblance to the series’ most popular character, Ezio.
Crysis Remastered Review | Game Rant 30 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 Crysis Remastered falls short of the benchmark title it once was and even in comparison to basic, generic shooters of today.
Diablo 4 Should Have Unreleased Class From Diablo Hellfire 28 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 In trying to keep Diablo 4 fresh for its fans, Blizzard may actually want to look back and reuse old ideas, such as those found in Diablo: Hellfire.
Red Dead Redemption 2’s Dutch Was a Good Father to Arthur Morgan, What Changed? 27 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 Fathers and father figures are an important motif in the Red Dead Redemption franchise, which makes Dutch’s descent into madness even more concerning.
The Case for Fallout New Orleans in the New Bethesda-Obsidian Era 27 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 Fallout: New Orleans rumors never amounted to anything when they were popular, but it’s no longer impossible due to Microsoft’s Bethesda acquisition.
PS Plus May Face a Big Roadblock at the End of This Year 27 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 As many Sony fans prepare to jump to the PS5, there’s reason to believe the PS Plus transition won’t be as smooth as the PS3-to-PS4 era.
Persona 6 May Just Abandon One Series Staple Because of Persona 5 26 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 It’s time that Persona abandon one key series staple in its next mainline game, especially after the popularity of Persona 5 and Joker.
Far Cry 6 Needs to Deepen FC5 Feature That New Dawn Abandoned 26 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 There’s one feature present in Far Cry 5 that is abandoned in its post-apocalyptic sequel New Dawn, and it should make a glorious return in Far Cry 6.
Kingdom Hearts 4 Has to Do Something KH3 Failed to Do | Game Rant 26 9 月, 2020 Joshua Duckworth 0 There was one big expectation going into Kingdom Hearts 3 that went unfulfilled, and it’s something an eventual mainline sequel should invest in.